※ Chapter 27: Who's In The Wrong? (1/2) ※

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Don't let your ears catch what your eyes didn't see.



"Hey Cat?"


"I have to ask you a question?"

"I'm listening."

After just pulling out of the gas station and now on the road heading back to our hotel, Ray's been awfully quiet and now he's breaking the silence.

"What's up with you and Justin (Bieber)?"

"Who told you something was up?"

"Jacob (Latimore)."

"And what did he say?"

"Things are kind of heating up."

"Oh really now?" I questioned. "Yeah."

You know the funny part about this whole situation, as soon as me and Ray get on good terms or have a nice peaceful moment to ourselves somebody always wants to ruin it.

"And who told him?"

"He never did say."

I nodded. But what really got me is how this nigga thinks he can get away with some shit like spreading damn rumours knowing damn well too much is happening all at once. That's a shame. Snookie better handle it or I will and I promise it won't be pretty.

"....is it true?" Ray asked.

I shook my head. "No, its not....do you think its true?"

"To be honest I don't know. You know how Justin feels about you and I know how you feel about him."

"How would you know I how feel?"

"The way that you're looking at him, smile at him, I can tell by your body language."

I smell jealously if I'm not mistakened. But as hard it is to figure Ray out, I think something is mentally going on with him. Just by looking at him, he's vulnerable to any lie and I've noticed for the past few days.

"You clearly have something mixed up." I said.

"And what would that be?" He said kind of with an attitude.

"Your wants."

"How would you know?"

"Because I know you Ray. After looking and examining you for awhile, its clear you're not thinking straight-"

"Who made you the therapist?"

I stopped the car immediately.

"Oh, so you're going to kick me out?"

"Ray what the fuck is your problem?!" I said. All this attitude, smart mouthing he's giving me is really uncalled for, honestly.

"What's yours?!" He almost yelled.

"That's what I'm asking you! We were just having a good time, and all of a sudden, you bitching at me!" I said.

"Cause you're cheating!"



This nigga...accusing me of cheating?

Hold the fuck up.

"Did I hear you correctly?" I asked. "Yes you did."

"What makes you think I'm cheating?! I never cheated, so what makes you think I will now? Where is all of this coming from?!"

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