✔ Chapter 15: But Bitchy, I can be worse! ✔

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Don't underestimate me darling because I can go from lady to ghetto in 2.5 seconds.

( Location: Still ATL ) Cat's P.O.V

"Hey Cat." She smiled.

Oh lord.

My whole body literally froze when I saw Neka standing in my door way. Flashbacks of that day just ran through my head...


Neka: Since we're all saying something, I'm just gonna get a few words in.

Me: Go ahead. *crosses arms*

Neka: First, I'm the one who moonshined the guys, I'm the one who turned everyone away from you in school, and last but not least if I couldn't make her life even worser, your parents didn't die from a car accident. But that's a shame I won't tell you how.

Chris: Oh.My.God.

Ray: *shocked*

Dustin: Oh damn.

Me: So...you were part or had a part in their death? *broken*

Neka: I guess you could say that..

Me: You BITCH.

The next thing you know, I grabbed her hand from across the table, pulled her by her hair and just started going crazy. I felt arms wrapped around me and hands trying to make me let go bit I wouldn't. I knocked her down on the ground and wrapped my arms around her neck making sure I squeeze the living daylights out of her.

"SOMEONE CALL 9-1-1!!"


Next thing you know, anger just filled up inside me and something in my head just told me to go after her.

"CAT NO!!!"

Before I could even get my hands on her, Prodigy's arms wrapped around me and he pulled me into a hug from the front and whispered in my ear to try and calm me down. She is lucky Prod decided to come over to watch while I'm on tour. I swear I would be in prison right now for capital murder. When I managef to calm down for a minute, I felt Ray's arms wrap around me from behind and his resting his head on my shoulder. But my full attention was on Neka.

If I could just get one hit, punch, or kick in I would be satisfied for the rest of my life. I want it to be enough to make her understand that I am NOT the one to mess with or play games with when it comes down to MY money, MY man, and MY life.

Prodigy: What is it Neka?

Neka: I just came by to see how everyone is doing.

Snookie: Mhm. *shakes head*

Dejsha: Well, everyone is doing fine as you can see.

Nene: Yea, and we mostlyd definitely don't need anymore...trouble around here.

Neka: Trouble?  What kind of Trouble?

Snookie: *curious* Why you say it like that?

Neka: Say it like what?

Me: Say it like you know something, but won't say it?

Neka: I don't know what you're talking about. *shrugs*

Me: *rolls eyes/shakes head*

Neka: Anyways, What's everyone been up too?

Snookie: *cough* Fake. *cough*

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