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Town (Investigative)

Check one person each night for suspicious activity.

You will know if your target is a member of the Mafia, except for the Godfather.

You will know if your target is a Serial Killer.

Lynch every criminal and evildoer.

The aging man sat his desk in the corner of his home, rubbing his stubbly chin as he viewed the contents of his search. He had chosen to take a break from interrogations that night, analyzing his findings as he searched for the killer.

His findings should have been conclusive: they either were a Town member, a member of the Mafia, a member of the Coven, or the Serial Killer. Unless a full moon had been present, a Werewolf would not have been considered in his investigation. This kept him from being at-risk for witnessing the magnificent beast's rampage. He bit his thumbnail, finding that his targets were not suspicious. Were they free to go, or were they simply disguising? They could be the Godfather or the Arsonist for all he knew. Hell, they could even be a member of the Vampire cult.

He took a long sip of his coffee, pondering his options. He could either let them go, or sit and ponder over the fact that any of these people could be protected. 

The Godfather was immune to his detections, using the Mafia's high-quality defense towards himself. The Arsonist was able to keep himself clean, dousing the members of the Town without an ounce of suspicion. The Vampires were on an entirely different level, but that wasn't his job.

The man opened the side drawer of his desk space, pulling out a tattered manila folder. It held all of his past investigation results, which he had scoured for hours upon hours trying to find any form of a connection. His calloused fingers flipped through the documents, coming across a few of his targets that had been found suspicious.

The first few papers he found were from ex-members of the Mafia: the Mafioso and the Disguiser. They had been lynched immediately after his results had been released, quickly diminishing the kills that the Mafia were responsible for. He had collaborated with the Investigator and their results had been as clear as day: the one man owned a gun and the other was covered in blood.

He then came across one woman that he had innocently hung, putting him at risk for town-lynching that very next morning or the Vigilante's shot, for that matter. She had been the target of the framer, causing her to appear suspicious through his investigation. She was lynched the very next morning, her role proving that she was simply an innocent Town member. He had been living in hiding ever since, fearful of the vengeful Town.

The man set down his empty mug, picking at the skin on his trembling hands. He had been running on virtually no sleep for the past few days and he wasn't sure of how much more he could take. His forehead rested in the palms of his hands, his shaky breath tickling the hairs that resided on his arm.

His body was instantly on alert, hearing the sound of the creaking porch in one of the houses. He stood, shaking the numbness from his legs as he rushed to the front window. He saw a young woman standing on the porch of the first house, admiring its newly-renovated beauty. He had never seen this woman before, causing him to stare attentively. He watched her as she entered the house, the gears in his mind turning as he glanced towards his desk.

Maybe this was the woman he was looking for. 

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