Vampire Hunter

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Town (Killing)

Check for Vampires each night.

If you find a Vampire you will stake them in the heart.

If a Vampire visits you they will be staked.
You can hear Vampires at night.
If you kill all Vampires you will become a Vigilante.

Lynch every criminal and evildoer.

A stake flew across the living room, lodging itself into the rotting frame of the man's home. He screamed in agony and frustration, swiping the contents from his desk onto the floor. He was infuriated, endless stacks of paperwork swirling at his feet as he breathed heavily. He sat in his chair, covering his head in his hands as the fluttering of papers finally ceased.

It was many moments before the man was able to lift his head once more. In front of him was a map of the village, causing him to exhale sharply as he picked it up in his tense and shaking hands. The paper was covered in various colors of pen, the thickness varying as he went through stacks of pens each month. His rested his chin in the palm of his hand, grumbling angrily to himself.

The man grabbed a new packet of pens with his mouth, ripping opening the packaging with his teeth. He stroked the new pen, the gel soothing him as he began tracing the village borders on the map. The ink slowly soaked into his skin, his blood nearly made of the dark liquid itself.

After a while, he sat back in his office chair, staring at the ceiling as he pondered his life's work. He hunted vampires for a living. No one believed in his line of work, saying that the beings weren't real and he deserved to be taken within the mental asylum. He always shook them off, surrounding his home with towers of maps and research as he continued his life of hunting.

In an attempt to cool off, he went to the kitchen sink to splash cold water on his face. He shivered as the water droplets fell towards his chest, his eyes glued to the kitchen window. The world around him was a dark abyss, which felt more like his natural habitat as the years passed by. He was becoming one with the vampires and he wasn't sure if he admired that or dreaded it.

The cool, midnight air was calling him, bringing the man to his front porch as the sound of his clock filled the home. He closed the door behind him, placing his virile hands on the railing of the porch. He felt the tension slowly release from his shoulders, the breeze tickling his scalp.

He looked across the village square, seeing all of the houses that he had visited in the past few months. His eyes fell upon the first house of the town, the recently-renovated building standing high against the horizon. Shocked, he froze as a young woman stepped into view. He watched her as she snuck onto the porch, looking over her shoulder as if she was hiding from someone. The man pushed away from the railing, concealing his figure in the shadows of his porch as he watched the girl disappear through the front door. This could be a breakthrough.

The man stumbled into the house, digging through the piles of paper that were left scattered across the floor of his home. His knee had bumped into the side of his desk, a few of his pens tumbling to the ground as he found the folder he was looking for.

The folder was nearly empty, the man opening it to find a copy of the lease and receipt for the renovations of the home. He grabbed a blank sheet of paper, scribbling the rough details of the woman's appearance while his memory was still fresh. His handwriting was a mess, but he didn't care. He had to do whatever he could to add to his personal research.

She could be the vampire that he was looking for.

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