The Escape (2)

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I was scared. I knew how much I wanted this dream to be granted. I can't back down on something I promised to do.

"We won't get caught, Lu." Vin reassured me, "Just follow the plan as we practiced."

"Okay." I muttered softly as Vin guided me down the steps. It was during the middle of the night. Right after everyone, even the adults that remained to watch over us were asleep. The both of us had a bag holding our belongings. I was worried because Vin had to sneak in the Office of the Headmistress to get the key right now. While I had to look out for anyone heading to the room. So far no footsteps made past the said door.


"Did you find something?" I whispered to Vin as quietly as I can.

"I found the key, but." Vin sounded like he found something, but didn't continue on. Instead he brushed the topic off completely. "Nevermind, we should get going now. The adults are going to start their rounds."

I wanted to ask him. But Vin had a serious look on his face. It seemed like he didn't want me to ask anything more than that.

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