Poker (2)

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After leaving Monsieur Dubin and his family. I started doing street performances while heading toward Rouen. Adelle mentioned about airships that can fly across the sea to get to England. Sadly money was a must. I tried to gather the attention of the crowd, but I ended up gaining a disrespectful magician boy instead.

"So you are who?" He never gave me a chance to introduce myself in the first place! Begrudgingly, I introduced myself as my male self to Maxi. "Howard Houdini."

"Howie then." I have the urge to correct him, but he quickly ignored my words. How rude! I never met such a rude boy before.

"I suggest you find some other place to perform, Howie. After all this plaza is my stage, I started business here and no one else should take it." He raised his arms, gesturing that this whole area was his.

What in the world?!

"But that's not fair!" I huffed with anger in my tone. "You can't just claim this area just because you performed here first!"

"Excusez moi?" Ugh, how dare he! Pretending he can't hear me, when I'm speaking loud and clear.

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