Painter's Wish (7)

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I stared at the piece of paper in my right hand.

Someone recommended me to find a person going by the name of Count Saint Germain.

A well known collector of exotic items from around the world. His knowledge would greatly help me in understanding Lucia's adoption papers.

"Now...where exactly am I going to find this place?" I glanced from my paper to see my surroundings.

I mostly saw people walking for the market or some other destination. But as I continued, I froze at what I saw next.

"Non non non mademoiselle!" I feel like I'm going to puke. "You are the most beautiful girl in all of Paris!"

"Is that so, Maxi?"

"It is true! Right, Maxi Junior?"

Soon a small monkey appears on top his head.

The sudden appearance of the monkey frightened the young girl off in fear.

The girl slapped the boy named Maxi for showing the animal before her.

Then ran off in a hustle to get away from Maxi.

"And another one leaves again." The boy sighed, "Now why can't pretty girls see how adorable you are Maxi Junior?"

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