Drunk Pirate (19)

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Okay, that's the last straw. Gripping tightly onto Till's shoulder, I managed to get behind her to land a hit against her right arm.

"Ah, my dagger!" The caused the dangerous weapon to drop to the ground.

"Sorry for this, Till." Without any hard feelings, I raised my head high. Then slammed my forehead against the back of her head.

Knocking Till out. Placing a hand against my throbbing forehead. My other arm was supporting the unconscious Till.

"The last thing I want is to see you cry again." The last time Till was in this state, she accidentally nicked my arm in the process. When Till woke up and found out from some of the crew members, she ended up crying a storm.

"Magnus, make sure the dagger is stored with the rest of the equipment." Properly placing Till into the safety of my arms, I said one last thing to Magnus. "Lock up the liquor too."

"Aye ma'am." As I walked out of the kitchen, holding Till close. I silently muttered, "I'm sorry."

I didn't mean to do this to you. I know how much you want Lucia to stay, but that's going too far.

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