Sky Pirate Queen (35)

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"Okay, here's the plan." Matty started explaining what we were going to do and finished off with. "Last but not least, we're going to kick that pirate out into the ocean Lucia!"

"But what if we end up losing our grip?"

We might end up flying into the ocean instead.

"Then we have to risk it!" Tightening her hold on me, Matty muttered. "On the count of three."

I gulped.


Will this plan really work?


I hope I don't fly into the ocean, Vin.


"AHHHHHH!" I screeched while clutching onto Matty.

Even though I was soaring high across the deck with Matty. I couldn't stop myself from opening my eyes to see the current state of the airship.

Instead of fear, I was in awe.

The excited feeling of being so high up was amazing. I could see the ocean as we zoomed past the Regalia crew members fighting the remaining enemy pirates.

It was as if we were flying into battle. But that amazement went to a stop as Matty's words snapped me out of my daze.

"Get ready, Lucia!"


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