The Dryads (32)

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"Poppy!" The sound of two voices drew near along with the clopping of more horseshoes from the distance.

But the direction they were coming from, was none other than the left side of the fork in the road.

Which meant...I'm in the Forest Witch's area?!

Upon turning to the source of the voices, the baby named Poppy happily smiled as she raised Blanche into the air.

But by doing that, Poppy's body began to tilt toward me.

"Oh no, Sylva! Poppy is going to fall!"

"Faster Ashwood!"

'No!' Soon my body moved forward. 'I can't let this baby get hurt!'

Having my arms wide open, I grasped both the falling Poppy and Blanche into my arms.

However I ended up falling on my back in the process of catching the both of them. "Ouch!"

I yelped. The ground was not as flat as I expected it to be.

"Gaaa!" I felt something soft pat against my cheek. I opened one eye to see the baby named Poppy patting my face with a smile.

"At least you're fine." Upon getting up, Blanche managed to get out of Poppy's grip. Flying far away from the child trying to grab my partner.

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