Little Crossdresser (27)

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"A point that could scare people off." The man shook his head at Matilda. "It's unladylike for a lady of the la Marche House."

"Your fiance will have a bad impression of you."

Despite his words, it looked like Matilda wasn't listening to him at all.

I should just keep moving and pretend I didn't hear a single thing.

Even though I passed by, it didn't stop Matilda from noticing me.


I stopped.

Wondering if the girl was referring to someone nearby.

Unfortunately I was wrong.

"You there!" She called out loud. "The one with pretty long raven colored hair!"

Sadly, I'm the only one matching that description.

The others either had bob-like or shoulder length hair.

'I should have chopped my hair off.'

Slowly I turned around, only to find myself overwhelmed by Matilda La Marche's sudden closeness.

'She's pretty fast...'

"Mmhm!" She hummed, taking a good look at my face.

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