Mysterious Noble (23)

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"I understand Maxi."

There's no need for such a determined expression when I already know your intentions. His shoulders relaxed a bit upon hearing my words.

After taking a sip from my teacup, I noticed how calm the animal sitting on Maxi's shoulder was.

'My seems that Saimiri has grown attached to Maxi.' Putting my cup down, I decided to ask out of curiosity. "Maxi?"


"That Saimiri you have on your shoulder, what's her name?"

"Oh his name is..." Maxi paused. His eyebrows knitted in confusion after hearing my question.

He focused his gaze over to me. Wondering if he misheard my words wrong. "Did you just refer to Maxi Junior as a female monkey?"

"Yes." I gave a small nod. It wasn't hard to tell, but the lower part of the monkey made it obvious. "Your Saimiri is female."

The next thing I knew, Maxi placed the Saimiri onto the chair and then started mumbling apologies to the monkey for being so disrespectful on calling her 'Maxi Junior'.

It was quite comical to see Maxi begging forgiveness from the small animal.

"Ah, but now I have to call you something else!"

I chuckled at his antics. 

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