The Dryads (33)

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By the time I was standing up and holding the baby in my arms, someone's face was leering right in front of mine.

"Uh?!" I muttered in surprise. It was the same person I saw riding on the grey horse, although that person looked taller on the horse.

Now that very person or rather woman was right in front of my face. She had pretty platinum blonde hair, but her gray eyes glared right at me.

Taking a step back, the woman was roughly the same height as Matty. However the image she gave off was intense as the woman crossed her arms. "So..."

I flinched upon hearing the woman's tone. She sounded angry.

"Can you give back our baby?"

Huh? Our baby?

I glanced around to look for the other person, but the only other being following behind the woman in front of me was another except taller and a little on the plump side.

"Sylva...wait for me...haaa."


"You're." I stared at the both of them in shock. I knew Jojo had this kind of relationship with Hector, and the way Matty looked at Reina was similar.

But they have a baby?!

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