The Little Helper (7)

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"I believe I can be of help." You wouldn't believe how wide my eyes were once I heard the little girl mention that very line. "You, helping me?"

She nodded. I can't believe this.

"Little girl..." I never really did ask for her name. "What's your name?"


"Just Lucia?"


"Don't you have a family you need to return to?" She flinched the moment I said family, but calmly replied. "I'm an orphan, Monsieur."

What in the world?! Why's an orphan out alone in the middle of the streets?! Did her parents abandon her? Were her parents involved in the vampire war?

....I want to ask her more, but Lucia's eyes show that she didn't want to go further into the topic.

" you at least have a place to stay for the time being?"

She shook her head. It's settled then.

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