Little Crossdresser (17)

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They all looked at the child lying on the ground, who was checking her wrist. Yes...not his...but her wrist.

This child was no doubt a girl.

"But how-"

Without further ado, I snatched the little girl's hat on her head. She gasped in shock of my actions as her long wavy hair tumbled out from the hat.

The men started to pale in color the minute I mention someone's name. "Matilda is going to kill all of you for hurting and placing the blame on a little girl you idiots."

"And don't forget...I'm going to approve of her punishments to those who failed to notice something as small as this."

I turned around then shouted in a thunder-like tone, "Now get back to work!"

"Aye, Captain!" The men all scrambled to leave the room. The only ones left inside were just the girl and I.

I was playing around with the hat the girl was once wearing.

Waiting for her to say something. After a few seconds, the girl mumbled out. "How...?"

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