Chapter 9

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It was kinda like time froze. My head was spinning and I wanted to run away and hide forever. I had to stop and breathe for a minute or two before calming down again. I couldn't take conclusions before knowing for sure. So I went for the only action I could do, which was grabbing a pregnancy test and then run to pay. The lady behind the register couldn't care less about me as she just started to scan the items. She took her time while my foot tapped lightly on the floor out of stress.

"16 pound." Her raspy voice said and I paid with my card. She laid the items in a small bag as she waited for me to pay. Then I grabbed the bag and ran out to my car. My heart was pounding, my head was spinning and my throat was burning.

The drive to the hotel couldn't seem any longer. When I finally got there I ran inside the building like a maniac. The people in the lobby looked at me weird but I just ignored them as I ran inside the lift and pressing the right number.The lift finally made a ding and I ran outside and headed for my room. I slipped the key card inside the door and then got in. I got the pregnancy test outside and went into the bathroom. Once the package around the test was ripped open, I walked over to the toilet. I slid my jeans down and then did the work.

Peeing on a stick was something I haden't imagined doing for another 5 years at least. I'm only 22. I'm way to young to have a child. I'm not ready at all. I laid the stick beside the sink as I waited. This was going to be longest 10 minutes of my life.

Nothing. I heard absolutely nothing. It was like I was deaf. I paced around the little bathroom for what seemed like years. I looked at my iPhone and saw that 10 minutes was up. I took a few deep breaths before slowly walking over to the sink. I knew that one line was not pregnant and two lines was pregnant. I closed my eyes before opening them again. And when I looked down at the test, my eyes furrowed.

"What the hell?" I mumbled. It was one and a half line. I groaned while trying to shake it a little bit. It didn't work. Luckily I had bought two more tests just in case.

I went over to the toilet and peed on another stick. Then another 10 minutes went by and I looked down at it. That one was also one and a half. I shook my head in disbelief. All I wanted to know was if I was pregnant or not. I took the last test and peed on it. 10 minutes later and I looked down at it.

"What the hell is wrong with these things?!" I yelled. The last damn test also showed one and a half line. I just wasted another 20 minutes. I took my phone up and called my doctor.

"Dr.Conner." I heard the familiar voice. Dr.Conner was one of the nicest ladies I've met.

"Uh, hey. It's Lexie Payne." I said awkwardly into the phone.

"Oh, Lexie! Long time no see. What can I help you with?" She asked sweetly.

"I'm worried that I might be pregnant. I've taken 3 tests and they all show the same." I mumbled.

"And they show?" She asks.

"One and a half line" I muttered under my breath.

"I see. Why don't you come down at my office tomorrow and we'll have a look. There's an available appointment 9 in the morning." She suggested. I gripped the cellphone tight.

"You don't have anything free today?" I asked hurriedly.

"No, I'm sorry." She apologized. "Okay, then I will see you tomorrow." I said and hung up. I could survive till tomorrow. It's just that I could be pregnant or not an the not knowing part is just horrible.

I set my alarm on 8 and just went straight to bed right away knowing that I would find out if I was pregnant or not tomorrow.

I walked down into the lobby and was about to head out to the car when someone called my name.

"Lexie?" I spun around and saw Calum standing there in a purple shirt. I smiled at him before walking over to him.

"Hey haven't seen you for a few days." I started conversation.

"Yeah, I've been having a few days off. Hanging out with the boys and stuff." He replied.

"How's the boys?"

"They're good but Ashton keeps trying to get a hold of you. He asked us yesterday if we had seen you and I hate lying." He admitted.

"But I didn't say anything. " He added and I thanked him. "Have you seen Niall?" I asked. He shook his head. I looked around the room and closed my eyes, imagining the flat and being home with Niall.

"Lexie!" Calum snapped me out of my daze. "Sorry, I was just... Never mind" I shook my head.

"You know you can talk to me if you want" he suggested and I smiled. "Yeah, I know. But I have to go now. I'll see you around." I said an gave him a hug before walking off to my car, driving off to Dr.Connor's office.

There was no waiting line when I got there since it was 9 in the morning. I sat down on one of the waiting chairs. The clock was ticking and it was driving me insane. I just wanted to know if I was pregnant or not.

"Hey Lexie. C'mon in." Dr.Connor said and held the door open for me. I walked inside and she closed it behind us.

"So you were worried that you are pregnant, right?" She asked and I nodded.

"How long has it been since the last time you had sex?" She asked and I had to think about it. I had nearly been without Niall for 2 weeks now. But we did do it a week before I left.

"Around 3 weeks." I replied and now she was the one nodding.

"What brought you to take the test?" She asked. I sat up straight in the chair in front of her wooden desk.

"My period was late:" I mumbled. It was quiet for a moment before she spoke up. "Okay, If you could just pee in this cup and then we can figure it out. She handed me a plastic cup and I made a face. She laughed and pushed me to the little toilet. I was so tired of peeing on things. I did my what I had to do and then went outside, handing her the disgusting cup. She told me to wait here and then she walked out with my disgusting cup of peen.

30 minutes went by before she came back. I held my breath as her mouth turned into a smile.

"Congratulations, you're pregnant!" She said excited.

Oh fucking hell....

(A/N: She's preggos people! 5sos's EP IS AMAZING! I love it sooo much. I think my favourite song from it is The Only Reason.




Instagram: @ lukehemmingswhoreme

Love ya!<3)

EcLexie | n.h (Sequel to LoveDrug)Where stories live. Discover now