Chapter 23

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Lexie's POV:

"I will fucking rip your head off if you don't shut up now!" I screamed at Niall while I squeezed the life out of his hand. Here I was in labour squeezing a human out of my vagina. Over four hours ago my water broke and it had been chaos ever since. Niall had been saying nothing but comforting words but all I could hear around me was annoying. Which brings me back to when my water broke.


"No, Niall c'mon!" Michael complained as Niall won another game of fifa. Michael, Ashton, Calum and Luke had come over to play xbox but I wasen't in the mood so Niall ended up playing with them. Niall laughed while Michael pouted.

"Not my fault that you suck." Niall said cocky as Michael showed him the middle finger.

"I do not suck. There has do be something wrong with this controller." He shrugged.

"Oh yes you suck. Lexie owned you on her first try. And no, there's nothing wrong with the controller." Niall stated which made Michael show him the finger once again. Niall wore his cocky hot smirk and I just wanted to kiss it off his beautiful face. They kept bickering while Calum, Luke and Ashton were talking about Calum's job. Either way I didn't pay attention. I was about to make a comment on Michael's playing until I felt my pants get wet. I looked down at my lap and saw a lot of it. And then I could feel some cramps.

"Uh Niall?" I spoke up.

"Yeah?" He turned around obviously not noticing the water.

"My water just broke." I whimpered.

"You what?!" Niall yelled and everyone snapped their heads at us.

"It looks lie you peed." Ashton giggled while I shot him a death glare.

"Fuck, we have to get you to the hospital! Move guys! My kid is coming!!" Niall yelled and everyone ran around trying to find thing things to bring with us as Niall helped me up from the couch.

"It's okay babe. Just breathe." Niall cooed and I tried my best to not think bad thoughts.

*End of flashback*

So here we are. The pain I'm feeling now is a totally different form everything I've experienced before. Being stabbed was nothing compared to this. This was hell.

"Keep pushing Lexie!" The doctor cheered me on and I screamed as I gave another push. Niall was still holding my hand and I was amazed that it haden't fallen off yet. I kept pushing and screaming until I had no energy left. I couldn't do this. Right now I was at the beginning of a breakdown. I don't know what it is, if it's the hormones or something but I started to sob uncontrollably.

"I can't to this." I cried out while my shoulders shook. I hated feeling this way. Like I couldn't do things.

"Someone need to calm her down!" The doctor said as I kept crying and sobbing. Niall pulled me in for a hug and stroke my hair trying his best to calm me down. I sobbed into the crook of his neck as he held me tight telling me over and over that I could do this. A few minutes had passed and I had quietened down.

"Okay Lexie! Three pushes left and your baby is here!" The doctor smiled and I wanted to fucking punch him in the face.



"3!" My head fell backwards and I focused on breathing when I heard a baby cry. Niall was standing beside me with tears in his eyes and my head snapped up to watch the baby.

"It's a boy!" The doctor cheered like I didn't already know. Okay that came out as rude but can you blame me after pushing a human life out of my vagina? No. The doctor washed him off and checked that everything was okay before wrapping him up in a towel and handing him to me. The beautiful baby boy in my arms was Niall and I's creation.

"He's so beautiful." I whispered while looking at his little head with a little hair on. He was definatly going to have light brown considering Niall was originally brunette and I had natural auburn hair. He haden't quite opened his eyes yet but I had a feeling they were blue. I couldn't believe it. He was finally here. Niall was still crying when I looked up.

"Babe come here." I moved over so Niall could sit beside me. All the doctors had left and Niall wrapped his arm around my shoulder so I could lay my head against his chest.

"His our son." He whispered and I nudged my head up so I could kiss him on the lips. Niall kissed back without hesitation. I pulled back and looked down at the sleeping baby in my arms.

"You want to hold him?" I asked Niall. He broke out into a grin and nodded as I laid James in the arm that wasen't holding around me. Niall didn't say anything but by the way he was smiling I knew that everything was alright. Me on the other hand was exhausted and yawned.

"Just go to sleep babe." My boyfriend said as closed my eyes and fell asleep againts his chest.


"Babe, wake up." I heard a voice say as I opened up my eyes and looked groggily around the room. Everyone was there to meet the new baby.

"Hi." I said and smiled to them. They were standing there with teddy bears and balloons wearing the biggest grins ever.

"Everyone, meet James Ashton Horan." Niall grinned as he showed them the baby in his arms and the girls squealed. Ashton's eyes were so wide like bowling balls. Such a funny sight I promise.

"Are you serious?" He asked totally shocked and I nodded my head. Ashton lunged forward and wrapped me up in a hug.

"You're kidding now, right?!" Calum whined. "That's so unfair!" Ashton pulled away from me and looked down in Niall's arms.

"We decided that we already had one Calum, an amazing one and that's the only one we need." I explained while showing him the puppy face. Calum kept still for a few seconds before he spoke up.

"Okay, you're forgiven. And yes, yes I'm amazing." He stated with his arm crossed which made everyone laugh.

"Liam, would you have the honour of holding your nephew?" I asked and Liam nodded while a few tears escaped his eyes. Niall handed our son carefully over to Liam's arms.

Let me just tell you; In this family we fuck up, we love, we lie, we cry but mostly we forgive. This is my life. And I am perfectly okay with it.

(A/N: Fucking starting school on Monday. *cries* I would rather show a cactus up my ass that to go back to that falling apart hell hole. Some of you may understand how much I hate school. Ugh... Well there's just 1 chapter, the epilogue and an author's note left of the book. Can't believe it's soon coming to an end.

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EcLexie | n.h (Sequel to LoveDrug)Where stories live. Discover now