1-The Tease

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Louis Tomlinson is known for wearing small articles of clothing just for the attention of people around him. Not necessarily the unattractive people or his family, but cuter people and the ones he found to take a liking to. One particular older, cuter man he found to like just so happened to be somebody he couldn't get.

It would never stop him though, because though the man is his teacher, he isn't much older than him. Louis is 18 years old and in his senior year of high school. His teacher, Mr. Harry Styles, is fresh out of UNI and is pretty young for a teacher. Harry is 23 years old, making him 5 years older than Louis.

Louis didn't see too much of a difference in age though because Harry looked pretty young for his age. The thing though, is that Louis looks exactly his age, so he looks young compared to Harry.

Though Louis was very prominent in showing off his body for Harry, and teasing him with his words and whatnot, nobody seemed to take notice to this crush of Louis'. The fact may be that there is over hundreds of kids at his school, or Louis is  an extraordinary actor, or everybody is hoping Louis doesn't have a crush, making him single for everyone else's choosing. Either way, the only person who knows about Louis' liking is his best friend Niall, and his friends that Louis doesn't associate too much with.

Niall wasn't very affected by the small confession that Louis had because Harry Styles was a very attractive man, and he'd be damned if at least half the students that have taken Harry's classes don't have a crush on him. His hair is very thick and voluminous, though he only has a quiff, that is quickly growing back to go down his neck. His voice is very deep, yet soft and he has a thick accent, no matter how much time he spends in America and it amazes people.

Harry is very tall also, but his body shape is very good. He isn't exactly fully ripped like a body builder, but he does have decently sized biceps and a nice faded 6 pack. It isn't very prominent on his stomach, but can be seen if he is straining his muscles when he works out.

Though Harry's body may give off a vibe that he is too good for anybody, his face shows different. It is very soft and gentle as he always wears a smile upon it, with his dimples digging into the sides of his cheeks. His soft green eyes glisten when he is listening very intently is something that Louis also noticed about him. When he teaches, his body is firm and his eyes are focused.

He pulls the sleeves of his long-sleeves shirts back to his elbows and runs a hand through his messy, yet fine, hair. Louis could only imagine seeing Harry like that if it was only the two of them together. Louis could pull off being confident and cheeky while others are around, but he knows he wouldn't be able to to help himself to submitting to Harry's dominance if nobody was around.

He only knows this because of the times Harry has asked him to stay after class for missing work, or to scold him on his inappropriate clothing choices. Louis kept his head down with his hands crossed in front of him, only responding with nods of his head. It is probably the only reason Harry has not caught on to his adorable crush.

Louis always hated himself after their little meetings for not being more confident and sassy with Harry. He wishes he could do it, and he has only done it once. It was only because he was just told some news about someone calling him skanky behind his back, so it was easy for him to go off on anyone around him.

"Louis, I'd like you to stay with me after class quickly if you don't mind." Harry says from the front of the classroom, not looking up from his busy work on the computer.

Louis huffs in annoyance as students leave the room. "What do you need sir?" Louis spits out as the last student leaves.

Harry looks up from his computer and raises his eyebrow at Louis. Louis almost backs off of his snotty attitude towards Harry. Almost.

Harry clears his throat, clasping his hands in front of him on the desk. "You realize your outfit is very informal and out of dress code?"

"Obviously Mr. Styles. We've been over this countless times. It's not my fault that people can't keep their sh*t together when I wear clothes of my choice." He emphasizes with a hand on his hip.

Harry raises both of his eyebrows at Louis' sudden outburst. "Excuse me, Mr. Tomlinson? Would you like to repeat that, or would you like to take your punishment now?"

Louis' breath hitches as he realizes he should have kept his mouth shut. "Sorry Mr. Styles." He mutters loud enough for Harry to hear him.

"Right then." He sighs.

Louis ends up with two detentions with Harry alone, which are filled with silent misery for Louis.

As obvious as it seems, Louis tried to stay out of trouble with Harry, with a fear that the punishment may be more severe the next time.

It didn't stop him from keeping his sass at a high, and his skirts at a low with other teachers though. His first hour teacher, Mr. Liam Payne  was always one to fall for Louis though he was having a secret love affair with the science teachers son, Zayn Malik whose mother was Eleanor Calder. Liam couldn't help but falling apart at the younger, cuter boys.

When Louis had a homework assignment late or unfinished, he made sure to wear very tiny clothing that fit him in the right places so he could use his big bum to get his way. Louis' parents didn't take much interest in his attire due to the fact that he didn't live with them. He instead lived with his older half brother, Luke Hemmings, who was just barely of legal age to be Louis' legal guardian even though Louis could be his own at 18. Louis just liked the thought of someone taking care of him one way or another, plus Luke had been his legal guardian since Louis was 15.

Luke was very chill when it came to Louis because he knew his past, and didn't want to trigger anything. Basically in a nutshell, Louis' mum passed away and she was Louis' only hope to get away from his d*ck of a father. Luke didn't live with him at the time, but immediately took Louis with him when his mum died and took it to court to become his legal guardian. Court went by smoothly because Louis' father didn't want him, and he was unfit to care for a teenager.

So Louis moved schools, wore clothes to cover his insecurities, but not his body, and found a man he knew he wanted. Louis has crushed on Harry since his freshman year of high school, so now being a senior, it has been 4 years.

He didn't plan on stopping his teasing moves anytime soon, but the school year could only last so long. Louis doesn't have a plan to keep Harry after he finishes school, but he plans on making Harry his this year.

In the year of 2021, at the start of Louis' senior year, he planned to wear the most seductive clothes he could, and keep his sass game strong and hopefully, Harry would finally fall for him.

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