18-The Move

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^^Harry's apartment

Louis tried as hard as he could all day to be well behaved for Harry. Well, he tells himself he was doing it for his own pleasure, but he knows he was doing it for Harry. Since when did this man have so much control over him? Probably when he started taking control of him.

Louis got through his entire first hour without any disruptions or misbehaving. Mr. Payne shooting glares at him a few times had a big part in it though. He was obviously still mad at Louis for the stunt he pulled Friday. Louis can understand that, and hopefully the man will be less upset after Louis' week of detention is over with. Forgive and Forget right?

There was still a few kids that were close friends or 'fans' of Zayn that were upset with Louis also, but Louis ignored them because he wasn't going to snap today. Harry promised him a reward for being good, so he for sure was going to get it. It was a goal he set up for himself.

He got through second hour with no distractions, well, disruptions at least. Harry was a big distraction. He always is.

Louis spent his lunch in the cafeteria, something he hasn't done in a while. He got to catch up with his friends that weren't Niall, and enjoyed it instead of being punished as he would any other day of the week he spent with Harry. Louis kind of kept to himself, speaking wise, while talking to his friends. It was none of their business where he was for the past week or two during lunch.

Phil was all too excited to share the news of his new dating life. He found a girl who had the same interests as him and was nice, in his words. Everyone was very happy for him, besides his best friend. It's hard to wrap your head around the relationship Dan and Phil had. Dan pushed on that they were completely platonic, but every time Phil seemed to even look at a good looking girl or guy, Dan got jealous. Was he scared of being replaced as a best friend? It would make sense.

Dan excused himself about 10 minutes after Phil announced his excitement. He looked as if he was about to cry, but nobody payed much attention as he left.

Louis continued listening to Phil rant about the blonde girl with bright blue eyes and a gap within her front teeth until lunch ended. Niall and Louis bid their farewells to Phil, and told him to make sure Dan was okay before heading to his third hour.

Louis spoke his opinions on Dan and Phil's relationship to Niall as they walked to Harry's class, and continued as they walked into the class. They kept their voices quiet when the bell rang, but it wasn't enough for Harry.

"You two in the front." He calls from the front of the class. "Quiet please."

Louis immediately closes his mouth and hits Niall's arm as he tries to redeem conversation. Niall pouts but complies with Louis' wish and looks towards the teacher. Louis does the same, and tries catching Harry's attention with his eyes, so he could apologize the same way.

Harry eventually glances by Louis' table and sees the plead in the small boy's eyes, and sighs before nodding his head as if to say 'I accept your apology'. Louis sighs in relief and continues the rest of the class with no issues.

After class, no words are exchanged between Louis or Harry and Louis just heads to his final class hour. He does as the teacher instructs and time flies when you actually pay attention. He was soon making his way to Mr. Payne's class to finish his school day.

The class is practically empty besides Mr. Payne, a few other students and... Zayn? He wasn't even sitting in a chair like the rest of the kids being punished were. Of course Louis knew that Zayn and Liam had something going on, but what was the point of exposing it to other kids who had no clue?

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