12-The Panic Attack

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Louis felt as if he couldn't breathe anymore as he clutched his stomach and laid his head on the table. He tried thinking calmly, but all he could think about was Harry. His breathing became rapid as his mind repeated the same thing over and over to him.

Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry

Louis wanted to scream out and have Harry's arms around him. This was a bad idea. He knew he shouldn't have came to school this morning. Harry is going to be so upset with him after he hears that he read the note. He's going to know that Louis had a panic attack after Harry knew it would happen. He's going to disappoint Harry.

Suddenly his head is shaking 'no' as he holds his stomach so tight that nail marks are most likely going to be in his skin. He wills himself not to cry. Not here. Not when he has a reputation to uphold. School makes this so much worse. Everybody who looks up to him is going to see him having a panic attack.

He feels arms around him and he thrashes around. He just wants Harry. Only Harry right now. But he's teaching a class and he wouldn't leave to tend to one student.

How long has this class been going on? Hours? Days? Is it over yet?

"Louis." A soothing voice calls.

He only shakes his head and tried prying the hands off his waist. He's crying now, frustrated that he isn't strong enough to hold back the person.

"Louis, mate. Calm down. Calm down. Come on, let's go in the hall."

He looks up and his head is spinning, everyone's eyes are on him but it's just a huge blur faced his way. He turns to see the voice calling for him and notices a familiar light brown haired friend.

He releases a choked sob as he shakes with each step he takes out of the classroom. Niall eventually lifts him, carrying him bridal style into the hallway. He gets far away from the room and any room that could hear Louis, who is sobbing now.

Louis holds a tight hand around Niall's shoulder and cries loudly into his chest, which is barely muffling him. The sobs can be heard all through the hallways they went through to find an open area that was empty.

Harry looks up at his class, who is looking at the door expectantly as sobs of pain are heard. Harry realizes who it is immediately, and half the class figures it too. He smiles up at his class slightly and awkwardly. He needs to see Louis. What happened to him? Is he alright?

"I'll be right back class, please continue your assignment." Harry says, walking out the door and towards the choked sobs.

He finds Niall sitting on the floor with Louis on his lap, who looks absolutely wrecked in the worst way possible. His hair is matted from running his fingers through it, his shirt is wrinkled from holding it so hard, there are tear tracks down his face as more continue to cascade across his cheeks, and his once beautiful light blue eyes are now a shade of dark blue.

"Louis?" Harry asks simply.

Louis pauses for a minute from his sobbing. His hands clutch tighter into Niall's now wrinkled shirt. He buries his face deeper into Niall's shoulder. He then continues to cry softly.

"Louis, c'mere. What's wrong?" Harry says, squatting down to his level, but keeping a far enough distance in case Louis snaps at him.

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