2-The Teacher

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Harry Styles was never good at love or keeping a good relationship with anybody. May it be dating, friendship, or even family relations. It wasn't particularly his fault, he just liked to keep to himself and hide out from the world. He didn't let people into his life and kept his secrets to himself after what happened to him as a child.

He was always criticized for everything he did, is what it felt like to him. Every time he tried being funny, it would come out as a bad joke or a cringey act. Every time he tried being helpful, his clumsy long legs got in the way, leaving him helpless. His parents always called him out on everything he messed up on. It got to the point where everything Harry did was wrong. It seemed like everyone seen him as a clumsy, unhelpful, cringey fool.

The truth was that Harry was very insecure, and his parents took advantage of it. Everyone seen Harry as clumsy, but in a very cute way. He used to be a twink who just wanted someone to like him. He craved the love of everybody.

But after Harry's parents taught him how stupid of a child he was, how he was just an attention seeker and a bad one at that, Harry was done with trying to get people to like him. He spent his school years in the back of the class, avoiding conversation and focused everything in his work, so he got very little praise from his teachers.

Harry once got into a relationship, with a boy who claimed he loved Harry and wishes he would open up. The boy treated Harry with respect and taught Harry to be less antisocial and gain the love of everybody.

The boy turned out to be a setup by his parents, who then shamed him for being gay and he was told that everyone who tried to love him would fail because Harry would never open up or gain the respect of anybody. Everything he did in his "relationship", he did wrong and that was why the boy dumped Harry, was what Harry turned out to believe.

He believed it because it seemed to be true. He didn't have friends or respect from anyone, so that had to be why.

As Harry got older, he stayed away from his parents and by the time he was 18, he started to realize what his parents were saying wasn't right. He still didn't come out of his shell, because 18 years of being told he was wrong about everything had a huge affect on him.

After High school, he immediately fell into college to get a teaching degree, and all the time he spent on his work in school paid off because he graduated pretty early at the age of 20. He started as a substitute, then after half a year, he became a real teacher.

He moved into a really nice apartment complex 20 minutes away from the school, and put all his effort in his work. He kept up with himself very well, and wore a nice button up shirt and slacks to school every day to earn the respect of his students.

Harry was done with being told everything he did in life was wrong, and now he runs his classroom. This way nobody can tell him he is doing it wrong if he puts every ounce of effort into it. He has a lot of respect for and from his fellow staff members, and the principal uses Harry as a prime example of everything good going right at his school. He is always presented in front of the school board when the principal needs a good reference from his staff.

Harry had his life all together now, but he had one problem known by the name of Louis Tomlinson.

The boy was adorable, but very cheeky and teasing. Harry knows what Louis has been doing, but tries to avoid starting something with the boy because it would mess up everything he has worked for.

Louis makes it so hard to keep up a good reputation, because he has taken every class of Harry's that he could, missing certain credits that he needed just so he could tease the man. It didn't help that Harry was constantly given new classes each year by the principal so he didn't "get bored with just one class" by words of the man himself.

Harry still teaches the classes required for the students in English, such as English 9-12, but was given extra classes such as Drama. Louis has exceeded his amount of English credits needed, and got a few art credits too, but he only needed one.

Harry hated the fact that Louis would show off his body for just anyone. He believes he should have more standards and dignity, but it's not really up to him. He also hates that Louis would do it in his class because it gives Harry a bad look. If a board member happened to show up one day and Louis was wearing those clothes, what would it make Harry look like?

So Harry is constantly scolding the boy on his extremely revealing clothing, but nothing he does seems to work on Louis. He doesn't know how he could make it so Louis would listen to him.

All of the other students that Harry has had in his classes have a lot of respect for their teacher. Even Louis' best friend Niall respects Harry. Though Niall has a slight sassy side and cusses a lot, blaming it on the fact that he is Irish, Niall does as told when Harry asks him to Quit.

Louis on the other hand doesn't seem to have an off switch on him. He sasses anyone and everyone while he has the attention on him, which he always does because he makes sure of it. He is a major disruption in Harry's classes and doesn't have any respect for anybody. He is never called out on it though because he always seems to get his way with his body.

Harry wishes he could take the boy under his wing for just a week and by then maybe he will learn. Harry knows how Louis would act because he has seen him when they are alone. He doesn't exactly understand how the boy can submit so easily to him, even after a whole class period of straight up sass and disrespect. It makes it harder for Harry to punish him if the boy listens while they are alone. It's not exactly easy to punish someone when they seem to have done nothing wrong and apologize so quickly.

Harry figures that's how he gets his way with the teachers. It's probably why he can get so many classes of Harry's without missing a single credit.

But Harry is determined to make the boy listen to him. After this year, he is off on his own and Harry would hate to see the boy fail in life due to his excessive need to have all the attention and get his way because the real world doesn't work like that.

In the year of 2022, Harry will hopefully change Louis for the better.

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