4-The Classes

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Louis walks into Mr. Styles class, not a minute late. He never wants to miss a second of seeing Harry. As he walks in, he hikes his overalls up higher, so his bum is much more visible. He then proceeds to swing his hips as he walks to the front of the class and drops his backpack on the ground "accidentally". He groans dramatically, catching Harry's attention and bending over slowly to pick up his bag.

He hears a noise of almost discomfort behind him and he stands, with his bag in hand and turns around to see Mr. Styles staring right at him.

"Well that was very dramatic wasn't it Louis?" Harry comments.

"I don't know what you mean Mr. Styles. I dropped my bag, so I had to pick it up." Louis bats his eyelashes innocently.

"You do realize your bum is almost hanging out of those overalls correct?" Harry proceeds in scolding Louis.

"Nope." Louis says, popping the p.

"Hmm." Harry hums, and Louis sits at his seat at the very front of class.

The class begins filling up and as everyone shuffles in and prepares for the class with what little time they have left, Harry walks towards Louis' table and bends down to whisper to him.

"I'd like to see you after class." He says sternly.

"I'd like to eat lunch after class Mr. Styles." Louis says, leaning back in his chair.

Some classmates sit in the seats on each side of him and he smiles at Harry.

"See me after class or you will have the first detention of the year Mr. Tomlinson." Harry says louder, so his voice rings to Louis' table and the table behind his.

Louis sighs and rolls his eyes, sitting up at his table. Harry narrows his eyes and backs away from Louis' table as the bell rings signaling the beginning of class.

"Alright class, my name is Mr. Styles, my first name being Harry, but I would not like you to call me by that name."

"Okay Harold." Louis mumbles, but since he is at the front of the class, Harry hears him.

"Only call me Mr. Styles. Mr. S, or sir. I do not prefer any other type of nicknames Lewis." Harry announces to the whole class.

"It's Louis Mr. S, pretty sure you would know seeing as I've been your student for 4 years now."

"Ah, yes. But it seems you still don't have any respect after those 4 years do you? Now, you can keep disrupting my class, or you can go see the principal, your choice hun." Harry threatens.

Louis' breathing becomes a bit more rapid, but he keeps his mouth shut and Harry continues to address the class.

"If you aren't sure, this is Drama class so if you happen to have the wrong class or something, you may leave now."

One student stands up embarrassed and nods his head at Mr. Styles, and Harry dismisses him with a nod back.

Louis scoffs. "Freshman." He whispers.

Joe and Caspar snicker quietly at their places next to Louis.

"Something funny?" Harry raises his eyebrows at the front table.

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