16-The Conversation

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Halfway through third period, Louis' hands begin to hurt from the pressure of sitting on them. He holds for as long as he can before slowly removing one hand from under his burning bum. He hisses loudly at the friction of the sting of sitting on cheap plastic.

All eyes turn to him as he hisses again and mumbles "f*ck" under his breath. A few gasp at such profanity, but Louis only internally bangs his head against the table for probably earning himself more punishment.

"Watch your mouth Tomlinson." Harry calls out sternly.

Louis nods, and suddenly the color of his bum matches the color of his cheeks. The class continues normally, and Louis tries hard to pay attention, but focuses on how he could numb the pain in his bum before fourth period. It takes him a while to realize he won't be sitting in a gym class.

He doesn't have much time to think on it before the bell rings and everyone rushes out of the room to get to their last class of the day. Louis sighs as he is motioned towards Harry's desk for the third time that day.

"Louis." Harry says in a knowing way.

"I'm sorry Mr. Styles. It slipped out. You can't blame me when you were the one who caused the pain in the first place." Louis sasses.

"Should I add on to it then, since you want to sass me?"

"No." Louis mumbles.

"It seems we don't have time for it anyways." Harry says quietly as a student enters for Harry's fourth hour class.

Louis internally thanks the kid for coming in.

"What was our agreement for when you come in Monday?" Harry whispers, coming around the other side of the desk and sitting on it right in front of Louis.

"15 minutes in the corner." Louis mumbles embarrassed.

"We'll just make that 20 then yeah?"

"No, Mr. Styles please. It slipped."

"I'll think on it, maybe. Get to class." Harry almost reaches out to pat Louis' bum as he walks out, but realizes half his class of full of students.

He freezes and his cheeks turn red. He clears his throat and straightens himself out.

"Right then, shall we get started?"


Fourth hour goes by fairly quickly. Louis spends his time thinking about the move on Monday, and wonders if Harry will actually go through with his idea of a punishment. Isn't Louis supposed to be introduced to the house before sticking his nose into one of the corners of it?

Louis honestly doesn't want anymore spanks this week, so he won't ask to change punishments, but 20 minutes is a pretty long time. Louis could easily sneak his phone though, so maybe it won't be so long. He'd just have to make sure Harry doesn't catch him.

But what about school? Harry is obviously going to take him and bring him back, but what about his clothes? Harry said he would choose them, but Louis doesn't have much that Harry would approve of. Should he ask? Should he tease him with it? He wants to so bad, but he doesn't want it to end with Harry wasting money to buy him clothes.

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