14-The Mess Up

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Everything was planned.

David has everything ready by Friday, the day after Louis told him the plan. Of course, David knew nothing about the poor boy who would soon be pranked, but all he knew was that he was somehow messing with his cousin and it wasn't good.

Louis had his part ready as well. He would show Zayn the video proof of black mail, then explain that he won't have his fame for long. It will be all he could say though without ruining his own surprise.

Zayn was very unsuspecting and undeserving. He had done nothing wrong to any of the boys who planned on humiliating him. The actual reason Zayn was in Mr. Payne's class was a totally different story than what looked to be on tape. Yes, the boy did make out with the older man consensually, and it was nobody's business if he had done it many times in the past also, and had a secret relationship going with his teacher.

It's not like Louis was doing any better.

Zayn got a lot of fame from being a teacher's son. Ms. Calder was also a very nice lady, so it got him even more popularity to be related to someone so likeable. Not everything came to him easy because of his relation to a nice teacher. No, Zayn had stunning looks. His jaw line was impeccable, and his hair was styled perfectly every day, and the boy didn't even have to try.

Although having popularity and many friends, not everything was perfect for him. The actual reason he went to his teacher/boyfriend's class was because his grandmother had just died. It was why his mother wasn't teaching that day, but Zayn knew that only Liam could make him feel better in this tough time. Liam did help him feel better. He cuddled and kissed him, and apologized for his loss. Their meet up just happened to end in a quick make out session so the boy could forget his problems for a moment.

Zayn is and will be completely unsuspecting and undeserving of what will come.


"You ready?" Louis asks Niall as they walk into school together, side by side with cheeky grins on their face as if something planned was coming up.

Which it was.

Niall nods, and Louis parts ways with him as he catches sight of the god-like boy, with eyes sparkling more than ever today. They looked bright, and moisturized as if he had just got done crying. Louis doesn't take notice to that part, and walks up to him with his phone in hand.

"Hey Zaynie." Louis says devilishly.

"L-Louis?" Zayn sniffles. "Hey."

Louis still does not bother to look at the signs telling him to stop. Niall does however, from a distance. He doesn't understand what the crying is for, but knows it has occurred. Should they stop?

"So, I've gotta show you something." Louis smirks, opening the link that Joe sent to him.

Zayn stares wide eyed at the small screen of the IPhone. There's no way this could be happening. Liam assured him that they'd never be caught.

"Louis, I-I can explain. See my grandma-"

"Oh no no no Zayn. You see, I've been waiting a while to get back at you for stealing popularity from me."

"What? Louis I'd never-"

"Oh? Then why are you almost more popular than me? All because you're Ms. Calder's pretty boy son?"

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