9-The Untaught

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It was a couple weeks later, and Louis had gotten into the schedule of wearing clothes that were revealing, but covered his body. For example, tight leggings and see through tops. Harry wanted so bad to do something about it, but he technically had nothing to punish him for since he was doing as told.

Louis toned it down with the sass towards Harry, but didn't stop throwing quick remarks at other teachers or students when they did something Louis didn't approve of. Once again, he was respecting Harry's wishes but it isn't how Harry expected. He thought after giving him such a sore bum that the least Louis would do is stop the sass.

He did stop in Harry's classes, and didn't mess with other students in those classes either, fortunately for those few students. But as soon as class was over, Louis was back to his normal sassy, high maintenance self. He didn't take crap from anybody and wouldn't have mercy on those who tried to overpower him.

Louis was also doing very poorly in his classes, but claimed he was trying his best. He was practically failing everything but his Drama class, though it was an extremely easy one so there was almost no way to fail. Harry didn't understand how he was failing when it was only three weeks into the school year.

Louis had his mind so preoccupied with winning Harry over this year that he spent every night picking an outfit that just barely went by Harry's rules. He was gaining more confidence after each class time and made sure to keep his sass game high with Luke's boyfriend. It was nothing against the poor lad, but he just needed a play toy to test his confidence and sass on.

Harry hadn't a clue on how he would handle this one. Could he try the same punishment with different scolding? No, he would get too used to that. No touches? No, they aren't even that close. Harry is strictly professional, only breaking the rule to try and help the student.

He really needs a different tactic to get Louis to behave. He has one idea, but he'd never get through with it without being caught.


Louis walks into school with thigh high socks with an extremely short black dress. The bottom of his bum was very visible from the back, but by school regulations, he wasn't showing enough skin to have to cover himself more. He walked beside Niall and scowled at everybody that looked his way.

He walked straight into the main hallway as he started to do every morning since his incident with Harry, just to make sure everybody had a good look at him. Unfortunately, Harry had some business to attend to that morning, so Louis found himself in Harry's classroom after he was caught by the man himself as he walked down the hallway.

"What is wrong with you?" Harry asked in a curious voice, acting calm instead of lashing out.

"I don't know what you mean Mr. Styles." Louis bats his eyelashes at the man as leans back against his desk.

"Stop with the innocent act Louis. I know what you're doing." Harry scolds.

"I'm not doing anything. I'm following your rules. I'm not sassing you or anyone in your classes. And I'm not wearing such revealing clothes." Louis whines, determined to make himself seem undeniably innocent to anything Harry accuses him of.

"Maybe not in my classes or directed towards me, but in a teacher meeting recently, your name seemed to come up quite a lot." Harry states.

Louis smirks, flipping his fringe to the side. "Wow, I must be popular."

"You are. But not in a good way. You're failing your classes, wearing barely regulated clothing, mouthing off other teachers, and being uncourteous to other students. But none of them seem like enough to punish you because they're little things that add into one big predicament, and giving me a huge headache." Harry runs a hand through his hair and Louis stops himself from gasping at his beauty.

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