15-The Punishment

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Louis returned to the currently full classroom after receiving an ice pack from the front desk. He placed the small bag over the right side of his face and sat at his normal seat at the front of the room.

People either glared at Louis, snickered at his misfortune, or didn't pay any attention to him. At this point in time, Louis was not liked by his classmates that had adored him for years. It felt strange having all the attention for a reason he didn't plan. Especially it being attention he doesn't want.

Harry payed no mind to the injured boy, or his students that had done anything about Louis' return. He believed that he should learn through not only teaching by Harry, but if the class took it upon themselves to shame the boy for doing a horrible thing, then he wasn't going to stop them. Harry drowned out the voice in the back of his head telling him that he is treating him like his parents would.

Louis isn't shamed or punished for everything he does. Right?

Harry continues on with his lesson and Louis keeps his head down. It has now been the third class where he has done this and Harry can't have him missing anymore information, and he's not going to stroke his hair or pet him for doing something naughty.

"Tomlinson, head up." Harry calls from the front of the class, disturbing his lesson so the whole class hears his demand.

Louis tries not to disobey, but his head seemed stuck to his arms when he felt the weight of everyone's eyes on him. It was too embarrassing to lift his head now.

Harry notices Louis' refusal, and speaks again:

"Don't make me repeat myself. I'm assuming you want more of a punishment after class?" Harry booms.

Louis lifts his head quickly with a deep frown sunk into his face. Why is Harry announcing that something will happen after class? Will the class realize his mistake, or was it done purposely? Louis has heard of public humiliation, but didn't think Harry would use it because of the risk of losing his own job.

Harry nods, seeming satisfied and resumes teaching what he was previously. Louis doesn't pay attention during class.

Well, he doesn't pay attention to the lesson. He does pay very much attention to Harry though. His hands mostly. He wore a lot of rings, and Louis remembers from last time that they don't feel very nice against his bum. Is that even what Harry was planning for a punishment? He knows Harry said spanking was easier for school, but this mistake that Louis made was big. Would Harry change tactics?

Louis also paid attention to Harry's attire. He wore the same thing he wore every day. A simple white button down and black slacks. He had the sleeves rolled up, exposing an anchor tattoo on the outside of one of his wrists. He had multiple other tattoos, but that one just seemed to stick out. Harry's arms were very muscular. Of course he wasn't ripped with muscles, but he had some pretty big biceps. His veins were visible in his wrists when he would flex as he teaches, and the long forearms lead to his huge hands.

They weren't abnormally large, but much larger than Louis'. They obviously fit over Louis' big bum, so they were great in Louis' opinion. He just doesn't prefer when Harry uses his large hands to slap down on Louis' large bum. He loves the feeling of Harry's hands, but not so much in such a harsh way.

Louis has now long forgotten about the ice pack that laid melted in the bag on the table. He decides on throwing it away after class.

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