22-Beginning of the End

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"Louis, you've gotta go back to school. They're calling me and they're worried." Ashton explains, walking into the living room where Louis was eating ice cream under a blanket on his lap, only wearing a large T-shirt.

"Not until my classes have been changed." Louis remarks with the same reply he's had since Ashton first tried to get him to go back to school a few days ago.

"Lou, they're trying. There's not much you can do to change that. Every class you need is filled. And you can't skip English 12." Ashton let's the information sink in before adding, "and Mr. Payne still wants you to serve the rest of your detention."

"Yeah Well Mr. Payne is a d*ck." Louis takes a small bite of his ice cream before addressing the first issue. "I'll take night classes or something." Louis stops eating to look at Ashton.

"Louis, my schedule is too tight for you to take night classes." Ashton sighs.

Louis frowns. He's only being a disturbance to Ashton, just like he was for Harry.

"Right. Sorry. I uhm- I need a favor." Louis stutters quietly, suddenly flustered with his newfound conclusion.

Ashton holds back a groan.


"Could you take me to Niall's flat? I uh- don't want to keep being a disruption to you. I'm only eating your food and sitting here all day." Louis says sadly.

"Lou, I'll take you to Niall's if you'd like, but it's not because your a disruption alright? It's been nice to not come home alone after everything that's happened. We've become closer, sorta. Your my little buddy." Ashton responds sincerely.

Louis halfheartedly smiles. "Thanks, but I'll just go to Ni's if you don't mind. I've had fun here with you too though Ash." Louis stands to give Ashton a hug.

Ashton smiles and wraps his arm around the middle of Louis' back as Louis hugs his shoulders. Louis lays his head on Ashton's shoulder after a minute, making the hug more meaningful. Ashton does the same to Louis and holds him tighter.

"I love you ashy." Louis says in a state of vulnerability.

"I love you too Lou."

Louis pulls back slightly to look into Ashton's deep hazel eyes. They're more on the green side today, reminding Louis of Harry's eyes. He frowns a bit at his realization. Ashton looks into Louis' pale blue eyes confusedly as Louis stares into his.

"Is this just a ruse to try and get me to say no about you going back to school?" Ashton states.

Louis fake gasps and lays a hand over his own chest. "Ashton Irwin. How dare you ever accuse me of something so horrific." Louis tilts his chin up and looks away as if offended. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to try and ignore that vicious accusation as I pack to leave for my dear friend Niall."

Ashton rolls his eyes and flicks the back of Louis' head as he walks away. Louis giggles quietly and pretends to ignore it.

Louis packs every essential item, planning on staying at Niall's for a while. He only grabs a few outfits though considering him and Niall are about the same size, and he will only steal his best friend's clothing. He walks into the living room with his backpack on his shoulders.

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