Lunch? With the Swim Club?

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---Reader POV---

"Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Dammit" I growled  as I sprinted down the sidewalk. I had missed my train coming in from  the riding club, so I'm late to pick up Leia from swimming lessons. I  looked at my watch, "8:30, they got done 15 minutes ago" I mumbled as I  ran around the corner. I weaved around people on the sidewalk, yelling  some "sorry"s and "excuse me"s. I saw the swim club not to far ahead of  me.

I ran up to the building and opened the doors. I saw Makoto  waiting with Leia, they were both already changed into their normal  clothes. "I'm so sorry" I apologized panting.

"I missed my train, I'm sorry" I apologized again.

"It's alright [N/N]" Leia said smiling.

"Yeah,  really don't worry about it" Makoto said calmly, I looked up at him and  he smiled at me. I immediately felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"Uh, th-thanks for staying with her" I said fighting off the pink dusting my face.

"It  wasn't any problem, Leia and I got to talk for a little bit. Right?" He  asked smiling at her. She nodded smiling, "Coach Tachibana swims  backstroke and likes kitties. Just like you!" Leia said smiling.

"Oh  really now" I said chuckling and smiling at her. I looked back up to  Makoto, only to find him watching me. He noticed me catching him and I  saw pink spread across his face. I smiled shyly turning back to Leia who  was yawning, I chuckled "Come on lets get you home" I said gesturing  for her to come. She walked up sleepily and took my hand, I chuckled and  looked at Makoto who was also smiling.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said beginning to walk away. We made it to the doors before, "Hey [F/N] wait!"

I  turned to see Makoto jogging towards me, "Hey why don't you go sit on  that bench while the big kids talk" I said pointing to the bench against  the wall. She walked over and I turned back to the green eyed teen. "Uh  hey, I was wondering, if you maybe wanted to come eat lunch with Kou,  the swim club, and I tomorrow?" He asked scratching his neck with a pink  blush on his cheeks.

"Uhm" I said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, 'Sit with him at lunch? What if I make a fool of myself? What if Kou slips up? But then again, what if it goes well?' I thought looking at him.

"I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to" He said a bit disappointed.

"No  no" I said waving my hands, "I would love too. Where should I meet you  guys?" I asked flashing a smile. I saw his face light up, "We always eat  on the roof if you want to meet us there, or if you'd like I could wait  for you since we're in the same class" he offered, I nodded. "Thanks  but I have to do something for Mr. Adachi before lunch during class, so  I'll have to meet you guys there" I explained and he nodded.

"Oh,  alright" He said smiling, "Oh and since it's a Friday and it's going to  be a nice day, the staff decided to cancel lessons so the kids can enjoy  the sun." He explained and I nodded.

"Okay, I'll remember that." I  said, I looked down at Leia who had fallen asleep on the bench. I  chuckled, "I should get her home" I said pulling her bag over my own. I  walked over to pick her up. 'How am I gonna do this?' I thought looking at her sleeping form.

"Do  you need help?" Makoto asked walking over to me. I looked at him, "My  walk to my house is the same way as yours, I sometimes see you when I  walk to school." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I-I couldn't ask you to do that, especially not after I already made you this late to get home." I said waving my hands.

"It's really not a problem" He said smiling, "I'm not going to take no for an answer" He said chuckling.

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