Beach Birthday

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I felt exhausted from the prior day. Staying up so late was a bad idea and I should've looked for a gift for Asuka quicker, but too late now. I continued to ignore every sound that came from my phone calling for me to wake up, though it just wasn't going to happen. I fell back asleep as soon as each sound stopped. Nothing woke me up until there was a knock on my bedroom door and the sound of it opening. Not moving an inch I felt the bed dip and a hand run through my hair. "Come on [N/N] you have to get up." Cracking my eyes open I saw my father sitting there. "What time is it?"

"Almost noon. Don't you have to be at the beach at 1?" He asked as I nodded. "Yeah, Asuka and Mei are picking me up at 1 and then everyone's coming around 1:30 or 2." Saying as I pushed myself up into a sitting position. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked feeling my forehead. "Yeah, I'm just really tired."

My father nodded before kissing my forehead. "You better get ready" He said before standing up and heading out of my room. Getting up I checked my phone, seeing multiple messages.

<To: [F/n]>
<From: Nagisa>

<To: [F/n]>
<From: Asuka>

Chuckling I moved to the final message.

<To: [F/n]>
<From: Makoto>
'Morning beautiful. Can't wait to see you today! (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)'

Grinning at the message I set my phone down before standing up to get ready. I went downstairs in order to eat a small breakfast, well at this point brunch. After eating I went back upstairs and brushed my teeth. Then put my contacts in. Walking back into my room I changed into my suit and threw a on over it. After being dressed I sat in front of my mirror and brushed my hair before styling it into a . Then applied just light make-up because I wanted to look nice for Asuka's birthday but nothing that would run because of the ocean.

After that I began to pack a bag grabbing sunscreen, a towel, spare change of clothes, a Frisbee, and a book. Then I grabbed my and placed them atop my head. Grabbing my phone I tossed it in the bag before walking back downstairs. Then tracking down my in the shoe closet. Setting them by the door I went into the kitchen and waited for Asuka and Meg.

Everyone was in the kitchen eating lunch when I entered. "Hey sweetie" My mother greeted me as I entered. "Hey" I answered before leaning against the counter next to Kai. "[F/n] why can't I come to the beach too?" Mei asked looking at me. "Because this is for Asuka's birthday. Maybe I can take you another time." I offered and she smiled and nodded. Though a knock on the door called me away.

"Oh, that must be Asuka and Megumi. I'll see you guys later on." I said before rushing to the door. Tying up my sandals and grabbing my bag and Asuka's gift. I walked out to the sight of them standing there. Throwing my arms around Asuka, "Happy Birthday!" She laughed before returning the hug.

"Come on, let's get going." Meg smiled and we both nodded before following her. I slipped on my sunglasses as we walked. It was filled with meaningless chatter until it was cut off by my phone ringing. Looking at the screen I read the caller ID. Gou aka Kou

"Hello" I answered before the red head began to speak. "Hey [F/n]! Are you with Asuka?" I looked over at her and answered "I am." She gave me a confused look. "Awesome, can you ask her if it's okay if my brother comes and a few of his friends." Asuka's never met Rin or the others so you asked her, "Hey is it alright if Kou brings her brother and a few of his friends?"

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