My Hero

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This chapter is another longer one. Slight violence(assault) and profanity but (I'm sure you can tell by the title) that the reader rescued by her knight in shining armor. Thanks for reading! :)


---Reader POV---

That Sunday I spent lazing around as my parents watched the girls until their parents came to get them. My dad took Leia to her lesson so I could just relax. I ended up going to the ranch to work with the stallion, we decided to name him Aries because of his fiery temper and his aggressiveness. I was able to get him to trust in me a small amount more, he ate from my hand and I was able to get a halter on him, baby steps. When I was home it consisted of tv, sleep, and a little homework. Not very eventful, unlike the prior day. Having an easy Sunday helped me process all of the emotions from that day, I decided until I figure out what to do I'd just avoid Akio. As for Makoto, I was looking forward to helping him on Monday.


Beep Beep Beep

"Ugh mornings" I complained at the clock. I reached over and turned it off. I sat up and looked at the sleeping fur ball at my feet. I smiled and petted him, he let out a small Meow at my pets. I chuckled before getting out of bed, I tiredly walked to the bathroom, I quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth before returning to my room. I changed into my uniform. After that I dried my hair and brushed it, I didn't feel like messing with it so I left it down. After that I finished my preparations, make-up, packed up my bag, and whatever I would need for after school to help Makoto. Once I had my stuff packed I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked down stairs.
"Morning" I said setting my bag by the stairs.

"Morning sweetie" My mom and dad said as I walked to the counter.

"Ooo coffee" I said walking to the coffee pot, I took out a mug and poured a cup and preparing it to my liking. I took a sip and did a little happy dance, "I love me some coffee" I said walking back to where my parents were.

My dad was reading the paper while eating some breakfast and my mom was putting together lunches, "Where's Kai?" I asked snagging a piece of toast from my dad's plate.

"Early baseball practice" my dad answered chuckling. "You do know we have a toaster where you can make your own" he told me. I laughed finishing up my coffee.

"Where's the fun in that?" I said eating the it and walking to the fridge. I pulled out the orange juice and poured it into a glass. "Plus you make the best toast" I said taking a sip of the OJ. He rolled his eyes and my mom laughed.

"You should be getting to school, here's your lunch" she said handing me the bento.

"Ooo, whats in it?" I asked excited. "salmon and cream cheese bagel sandwich, pasta salad, and sunflower seeds" she said and my face lit up. "Pickle?" I asked looking at her and she nodded. "You're seriously the best mom ever" I said and she laughed.

"Are you still working on that school project afterwards?" My dad asked I nodded.

After that I said bye to my parents, grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I walked to school with a skip in my step, 'Can't wait to eat this lunch~' I sang in my head. I entered the school campus and headed toward the main doors.

"[F/N]" I heard a voice behind me, I turned to see my two best friends waving as they ran up to me. "Good morning" I said stopping at waiting for them. Asuka grabbed my arm as she ran up to me, "I'm so excited! Meg and I have been talking about my party Friday and I just can't wait!" she said excited and Megumi was on my other side. I laughed, "You'll have to tell me about it at lunch today" I said as we walked in.

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