Chapter 1

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Dimitri pov

        I am sitting on my bed, looking at the envelope. The envelope that will decide my future. The envelope that could change things. In a good way, I don't know.

        I finally muster up the courage to open it. I hope I get Ivan as my charge. He requested me, but that doesn't mean it will happen.

      I look at the name. And it's not the one I wanted. But it was certainly not one I expected. Rosemary Mazur. Abes daughter? But she's dhampir.

       I see a plane ticket to Turkey. It says I leave in...... 3 HOURS! I grab a bag and throw all my clothes in it. I run by Ivans. " Ivan, open upď" I yell. He opens the door with a big smile.

       " You got me didn't you" he asked. " No, I got, um, Zmeys daughter" I said. His eyes widened. " But she's dhampir" he said. " I know. But that's what it says. I have to leave in lik, 2 hours. I just wanted to say bye"

       " Bye Dimitri. I wish you would've gotten me" he said. I nod my head and run off to tell momma bye. I get there and they all and runs who I got. They where shocked I got her.

        Babushka pulled me aside. " Things will happen. Things you don't want to happen. But don't fight them. Do NOT fight them. Promise me" she said. Huh?

       " What, what are you talking about?" " Promise me" " I promise, but what are you talking about" " You will know in time. You have to go now if you want to get there on time" she said

       I left for the airport and got there just as they where boarding. After several hours, the plane landed. I got off and saw a man holding a sign. More importantly, Zmey holding a sign.

       I walked over and saw a girl asleep in a chair. She had several people around her. Most wouldn't realize it, but I knew they where guardians. Why would she have so many?

        " You must be Belikov" Zmey said. I nod my head. " Well, I probably need to introduce you to everyone. This is Makenzie,Zack, Ruston,Carson, Jackson and Alyssa" He said. 6 guardians!? That's as many as the queen!

      " and this, is Rose" he said, picking up the girl. " Kiz, Kiz wake up" he said, shaking her lightly. She had really tanned skin, brown, really dark brown, wavy and curly hair, and brown eyes with tiny flecks of gold.

        She rubs her eyes. " Daddy! Another one! Why!" She whined. " Kiz, you know that the more threats are made, the more protection ypu need" he said.

       She mumbled something but stopped whining. He sat her down and she walked up to me. She looked about 13. ( In this he is only 5 years older )

      She looked at me for a while. She started biting her lip. I kneal down in front of her. " Hi, I'm Dimitri" I said. I went to put my hand on her shoulder but she hit my hand away.

       " Don't touch me" she snapped. The others are behind her laughing silently. " I don't know if I like you" she said glaring at me.

      I tilt my head " Why?" I ask. " Well, for one you really tall. And two, you think you can't touch me whenever you want. You don't touch me, or talk to me, unless I say so" she says.

        Wow, she really is Zmeys daughter. She walks back to Zmey. " Daddy, I wanna go homeeee" she said " Ok Kiz." He said

        They started to walk off but Zmey stopped me. " I want you to be her near guard. It was, um, Hope, but she was. Well, shes gone" he said. " Strigoi?" I asked. He nodded his head. " Rose, uh, was there. She still hasn't completely gotten over it" he said.

         Poor kid. Noone should have to go through that. I continue to walk with them and we get to some vehicles.

        Rose gets in one with everyone else. Zack and Alyssa sit upfront. I sit by Rose in the middle with Carson. And Jacksom,Ruston and Makenzie sit in back.

        After awhile I realize Alyssa and Zack are holding hands. Are they together? How could they do that? Then I look back and see Makenzie leaning her head on Ruston shoulder. Them too?

         I turn and see Rose sitting in silence with her arms crossed. " What's wrong Rose" I ask her. " I'm bored" she said. " Well, what do you wanna do" I ask.

        " Well I WANT to play, or listen to music. But these people won't let me" she said. Ruston rolled his eyes. " I'll play a game" I said. Her eyes brighten " Really" she said

        I nod my head. The rest of the way there, we played games. When we finally got there, she was asleep leaned against me. I picked her up and carried her inside. I took her to her room and layed her down.

       " Dimi" she whispered. I turn around and look at herm " Please don't leave me." She said, tears starting to brim her eyes.

       " Ok. I wont. But why" I asked, stupidly. Tears started streaming down her face. I rush over and pull her into a hug.

       " I-i-i don't want, the strigoi. They took Hope! I don't want them to get anymore of the people I love!" She says. " Hey, shhh. I won't let them. I promise. Rose, calm down. I won't let them hurt you" I said.

      " I don't care about them hurting me! I don't want them to hurt the people I love" she said. " Rose, they do this to keep YOU safe. And if it means dying then so be it"

      " NO! I won't let anymore people die because of me!" She said. She sat there for about an hour, crying. She finally went to sleep. I got up and crept put of her room.

      I went to mine and layed down. How could something like this happen to suck a sweet girl? How could she be so mature to understand all this? How could she put us, before her?

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