Chapter 8

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Dimitri pov

     Why did I have to be 19? Why couldn't I be Rozas age? I looked at the clock and saw it was 6. " Roza, get up" I said. She got up and got changed.

        She came back out and grabbed her phone. I got changed real quick and we left. I put my arm around her. Everyone knew of our relationship. Some approved, some didnt. I could care less.

        Rose went to breakfast and sat by Lissa. " Hey Rose. My mom and Dad wanted to know if you wanted to come over for Christmas break" Lissa asked her.

      " Sure, I'd love to" Rose said. She had not been talking to Abe for the last few days. I don't know why, but she's mad at him for something.

        After breakfast, Rose head to her first class. I stand in the back like usual. They have a test today so there's not much. Rose is the first one done.

       After class, we head to her next one. Rose zones in and out. But if the teacher did call on her, she would andwer, and answer correctly. I'm pretty sure the teacher didn't like her.

        After that we headed to the gym. Rose got paired up with one kid and broke his nose. She didn't look in the least bit sorry. After her beating everyone else, the bell rang and she headed off to meet Lissa.

        " Jeez, remind me not to get on your badside" I joked. " It's not my fault he can't fight worth a crap" she said. When she gets to the statue, she waits for Lissa.

       After awhile, her and Christian show up. Rose and them walk to class. She does great in her first 3, and then not so well in the rest.

             After a long day, school is finally over. " So, my mom and dad are.coming to pick us up tomorrow, is Dimitri coming?" Lissa asked. " Yeah, and probably at least 2 others. I'd say Kenzie and Ruston" Rose said.

         I don't like Jackson. At all. He's kinda creepy. I know a guardian is supposed to watch their charge, but he watches her.

        I caught him in her room when she was taking a shower. I threw him out and told him to leave. We didn't see him for 3 days.

       We walked back to our dorm and Lissa left. " Bye Rose" she said " Bye Liss" she said. We walk into our room and Rose sits down. She undoes her hair and let's it down.

         I sit down by her and she leans her head onto my shoulder. " I'm gonna have to cut it all off" she said out of the blue. " What?" I ask.

     " My hair, when I get my promise and molnija marks." She said. " Don't ever cut it. Wear it up" I say kissing her head.

         She got up and grabbed her suitcase. She started to put some clothes in it. I grabbed mine and packed some clothes.

        When I finished I walk up behind Rose who was folding her clothes. I wrap my arms around her waist. I start kissing her neck. " Stop it Dimi! I can't focus!" She said, giggling.

          I keep doing it but she hits my hand. " Dimi! I need to pack!" She whined. " Fine" I say. I get my clothes and go take a shower. When I get out, Rose is laying on the bed.

       I lay down and pull the covers over us. I wrap my arms around her and pull her to me. She turns around and buries her face into my chest.

       " Night Dimi" she said. " Night Roza" I said. Not soon after I feel asleep. The alarm started going off. I got up and got ready.

       I grabbed our bags. " Roza, get up" I say. She gets up and goes to the bathroom. She brushes her teeth and comes back out. " Ready" she said.  We walked out to the statue.

       " Hey Rosie" Christian came up to Rose. " Sparky" she said, smirking at him. He scowls at her.just then, a SUV pulls up. " MOM! DAD!" Lissa says running to the car.

        Two people get out and give her a hug. " Wheres Andrè" The man asks. " I don't know. He said he wo-" " Hey mom, dad" her brother walked up.

        They walked to Rose. " You must be Rose. Lissa has told us a lot about you" She said, giving Rose a hug. " I hope it's all good things. Thank you for inviting me over for Christmas Mr and Mrs. Dragomir" she said.

        " Please, call us Rhea and Eric" the man said. We put our bags in the back. " And you are?" Eric asks. Just then Kenzie and Ruston come running up.

        " Sorry we are late." Ruston said. " Oh, sorry Dad. This is Dimitri, Roses guardian. And this is Ruston and Makenzie, her other guardians" Lissa said.

           " Why'd does she have guardians?" Rhea asks. " I'll explain later" rose said. We all got in, with me, Rose,Lissa, and Christian in back. Makenzie and Ruston in the 2nd row and Rhea and Eric upfront.

        " So, I guess I should explain. My dad is Abe Muzur. For you who don't know, he's a big time mobster. He deals with a lot of dangerous and illegal bussiness. And has lots of enemies. I'm his one weakness. He started receiving threats that if he didn't do things, they would kill me. Or kidnap me. He started with one guardian, Hope. And soon it went to 6. About a year ago, we where attacked by strigoi. My near guard, Hope, jumped in front off me when one went to attack me. It snapped her neck in a instant. They killed all of them. There where 5. Soon after, my dad got Jackson. He was supposed to be my new near guard, but I didn't like him. Still don't. That's when he got Dimitri." She said.

           " Oh god, Rose im so sorry" Lissa said. " It's fine. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have met Dimi. I hate what happened, but there's nothing I can do." She said. I grabbed her hand.

         Rhea looked confused when Rose said that. " We are dating" I said. " How old are you?" Eric asks. " 19" I said. " It's only 5 years. We don't care" Rose said.

        The rest of the way, they just talked. Rose had her head leaned on my shoulder, and our hands entwined. Soon, we arrived.

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