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When I came home today it's the usual, my father yells at me and I cry as he beats me with a beer bottle. "Now go to bed you fucking whore!" He yelled as I sobbed. I ran up the stairs and went into my room locking the door behind me, but then, my window breaks. I scream when I see Jason walking in through my window. "Hey bitch, told ya I would see you tonight..., you thought I was joking didn't you?" I whimpered as he grab me by my leg and dragged me to the window. "Please...Jason stop," I say kindly; he just laughed and pushed me out of the window. His brother, Skye, caught me and threw me into a black van, they all got in. Jason began driving a route that I'm not aware of. "Wh-where are y-you taking me?" I asked in a shakey voice, "somewhere," after a while we stopped and they threw me out of the van causing me to land on my back.

"You're gonna regret what you said today. And we're gonna make you pay," he said laughing evily as my scream echoed throughout the alleyway. He kicks my back and called me names. "O-oh my god!" I heard a lady yell as he quickly grabbed her phone and dialed a number, I blacked out. "Hey kid, you alright?" A voice asked me as I groan and open my eyes, everything was blurry, I couldn't even see the face of the person that called me. He then rubbed my back  and then my vision comes back. I saw it was a cop. "Ugh....w-what happened.....," I asked rubbing my head as the cop helped me up on my feet. "Well, according to the lady, she said that you were gang banged. And the evidence shows that you were. You're all banged up kid," he said pointing to the bruises on my skin, I gasped and tears slowly fall from my face, I feel broken down on the inside. "Hey kid....it's okay, were calling your dad."

All of a sudden, a black charger comes swerving on the road and then parks sloppily. I couldn't help but realize it was my dad, drunk again, I can tell by the way he walks out his car. "What the hell did you do?! Why are you arresting my son?" He asked hiccuping as he leaned against the wall so he won't lose his balance. "Dad, they're not arresting me," the cop beside me nodded and walked up to my dad. He gagged when he did because my dad smelt of alcohol, but he still continued to ask my dad questions "hey, thank you for calling the police. You really helped me," the lady nodded and shook my hand "you are very welcome young man. By the way, my name is Maranda Harley. Who are you exactly?" She asked with a questioning look on her face as I smile and say, "my name is Leonardo Carson. I really appreciate that you helped me, what can I do to repay you?" I asked as she shook her head no (which means no thanks btw). "you don't have to repay me at all. I'm just glad that you're alright." She gave me a big hug as I froze, it took me a long time to hug back though. We release each other and we departed our ways. "Come on! I don't have time to stay out in this damn cold....," my dad complained as I jumped into the car window and into the passenger's seat. Then we drove off.

When we were finally home, my dad began yelling at me again. "Go. Get. Get out. I'm ready to go to bed," he groans as he unlocked the door. I sighed and before I could go through the door, he slaps my butt, I gasped and he pushed me inside of my room. "Now go to bed you little bitch....," he yelled as I did what I was told. And for the rest of the night there was no sign of Jason and his brothers.

This morning, I decided to take a hand full of food for lunch and dad didn't find out "bye father," I said waving goodbye and smiling. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever....," he replied as I sigh and shut the door behind me. I got on the bus and sat in the very back seat, I took out my library book out of my backpack and began to reading. Then, the bus stops in front of Jason's house but I didn't notice so I just continued reading my library book. "Hey! What are you doing in my seat you gay whore?!" I gasped as he grabbed me by my shirt collar then he throws me down on to the aisle. Everyone else on the bus laughed, except for one kid. I didn't know his name, he had red hair and was taller than me. "Hey! Leave him alone!" He yelled as Jason turned to look at him "ha, who do you think you are?"

The other kids, ooed as Jason stared the kid down "I think I'm smarter than you to say....you don't want to mess with me....," Everyone laughed and whispered  "back off kid.....I'm gonna mess you up..," Jason pushed him across the aisle and the kid punched him in the gut which caused him to grimace in pain, and I got up and smiled. "Thanks for helping me...," I held out my hand to shake his, he grabbed my hand and shook it. "No problem, my name is Raphael Hamato by the way." I blushed as he smiled at me, wow he's so hot......I just smiled back in return and we took our seats. I sat in his seat because he let me.

There you go. Another chapter for my
followers! 😎😅😄

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