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Hey guys! For now on,
I'm going to write quotes at the
beginning of every chapter of this
book. Yay 😄.

Well, enjoy! 😍

"Life is like a living seed"

"Wake up!" I hear my father yell slapping my face and cackled as he left out of my room. I sigh and get out of my bed, I keep thinking of Raph for some reason....he's been so good to me, so generous. I blush as I put on my clothes, then my hoodie over my shirt. I grab my backpack and put it on while I run down the stairs. "Bye dad. I'm off to school." He shot me a glared but it was too late because I had already left.

Getting on the bus, ya know, the usual. Then, when we stopped at Raph's house, he didn't come out where is he? I asked myself as the bus driver props his arm up looking at time on his watch and tapped his foot rapidly. He still didn't come out, I slunch in my seat sighing a long sigh "oh-no.....," I mumble as the bus starts to move again. I sigh again here he come.... looking at Jason and his gang (his brothers) walk down the isle chuckling. I rolled my eyes and turned to look out of the window. Then I notice Jason pulls my shirt, I quickly turned and see his brothers grinning that stupid grin "hey buddy, so......how ya feelin?" He asks sarcastically while his brothers snicker in the background. "Leave me alone Jason. I don't have time for your foolishness," I shot back hearing low toned whispers going on. Fucking thought he pushed me making me his the bus wall while the bus begins moving. "Oh, I'm sorry mom, care to repeat that?" He smirked as his brothers sit in their seats "guys! Your suppose to be backing me up!" He yells walking to the back of the bus sitting.

I'm so sick and tired of being bullied constantly.... I was quiet the rest of the ride to school. 10 minutes later, we arrive at school and boy am I glad, but then I see Raph standing at the doorway what the?! I run to him and gave him a look of complete shocked and fear. "Hey shortie, sorry I didn't ride the bus. My mom insisted driving me to school," I sigh in relief and my mouth curled up into a warming smile. "Oh, okay. Uh-.........we should....um-," he cut me off "get goin ta class?" I chuckled and nodded. Omg! We're already finishing each other's sentences, according to my relationship book (it's totally not weird or anything) that's is the cutest spot to be in a relationship.

Here we go again, going to class together,
2 hours later we go to fifth period, art, Raph's worst subject. How is it hard? I mean I get it! "Hello my beautiful learning sprouts! Come, come! Have a seat everyone!" That's our new art teacher Mrs. Camila, she is really nice. And beautiful in my eyes, but sadly I'm not interested. I'm interested in someone else, someone that is sitting beside me right now. "Ugh.......I hate this class......," Raph grumbled banging his head on the desk capturing the teacher's attention on us as she lifts an eyebrow. "Sh, your going to get us in trouble....you don't wanna get in trouble now do you?" I asked him whispering. He groaned and shook his head in disagreement. One thing that I hate is that Jason is watching our every move while sitting in the back with his brother giggling.

Oh boy....this is going to be a looong day. After an hour of learning how to draw self portraits, I look at Raph trying to hold back a laugh as I look at the smudges and dripping paint, Raph didn't seem to care either. "Uh...i-it's um- great. Yeah it's great, um we should be going," I smiled and he sighs and followed me. "Ooh! It's the gay couple everyone is talking about. How cute," that's one of Jason's friends, Micheal......I hate him, he give me the creeps. But Raph of course, stepped up and said something unlike me just watching. "Fuck off, you 1 in a half inch penis. Which is probably why you ain't got no girl!" Everyone laughed out loud as Michel blushed and tried holding back his anger. "W-whatever man! Just leave me again!" Then he runs away while everyone else is still laughing except for me.

I smile as he smiled back me. "Let's hurry to class Raph," I say grabbing his hand and leading him to music class. We take our seats. "Welome children," our other new teacher is Mr. Fuller, he has a French accent, you know how that sounds right? Well that's his voice. Raph snickered listening o our music teacher talk. "His frikkin voice is hilarious!" He whispered to me as I rolled my eyes still smiling. He's so cute, "get your instruments ready children! Tis time to shine!" I get out my flute as Raph walks to the drums beside me. Then we play. All together in harmony.

After that, it was time to go home. I wave goodbye as I watch Raph get into the car. "Cya tomorrow shortie!" Raph shouted as I chuckled a little and get onto the bus. But, I didn't see Jason on the bus this time. Huh.... that's weird....his mom isn't here to pick and his brothers up. I was actually worried about Jason for the first time! I calmed down as the bus starts moving. Once I was home, I go into the house and I couldn't believe it!

"Ugh....hey kid...," my father says patting Jason on the back and smiling, Jason gave me an evil grin and my dad didn't even notice it! What the hell?!, Then I see one of his brothers walk out of the bathroom. "Thanks for letting me hang Mr. Carson, it was really a pleasure. But, could I stay until night?" Now he wants to act all goodie tooshoes but that's not what I'm mad about right now! I'm mad that my dad says YES, FRIKKIN YES! "Thanks again sir." His other brother stares at me while the other looks in the refrigerator.

My dad made a mistake....
I'm dead..........

To be continued.........................

#1074 words written

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