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Normal day, normal schedule. My father yells at me and I let him "hurry up! I gotta go to work!" He yelled as I groan and put on my clothes then I make me a sandwich. "Bye dad," I waved as he just continued watching TV. I walk into the bus and this time, I sit in my seat, I don't want that idiot bulky to push me around again. 50 seconds later, the bus stopped at Raphael's house, I smiled and watch as he walks down the aisle, but suddenly, I feel a thigh touch mine. I gasped and turned to my side and there I saw Raphael, he was smiling at me, his smile made me smile too "hey......," I say in a shy voice blushing, he chuckled and then faced the seat in front of us "wassup, I didn't catch your name. You seemed shy the first time so that's why I didn't ask you the first time we met," I just smiled and he smiled back. "Well, I'm Leonardo Carson...but you can call me Leo," I held out my hand, he grabbed it and we shook hands.

"Nice ta meet ya....Leo," oh god....it's so hot the way he says my name. Then our bus stops again in front of Jason's house, I groaned and slumped down in my seat trying to hide myself from him because I don't have time for his frikkin' mouth. "Oh hey there loser! How's your day goin?" He said to Raph as Raph just ignored him and puts his headphones on. "Why are ya wearin' headphones? Scared to hear what I'm about to say?" Raph didn't seem intimidated. Weird...he must be that brave. "Shove a sock in it Jason," he shot back making the other kids giggle and mumble. Jason scoffed and went to his seat. "Wow.....y-you didn't even feel an inch of intimacy. How........how could you not feel scared of Jason?" He shurgged making me lift and eyebrow "well, my father always said "never let anyone boss you around. Because one day, if you don't tell anybody or deal with the bullying yourself. You could get yourself killed.", I learned that lesson at the age of five." Whoa, that was deep. My dad wouldn't even care about me being bullied. He didn't even care when I got mugged by the bully.

"Whoa......is he still.....alive?" I askes in a quiet tone in my voice as he chuckled "ha! Yes, don't take it personal! It's okay if he dies because when he does, he'll be in heaven anyway so it doesn't matter. Well......,at least that's what he told me." My friend was still there while cleared his throat. "Oh.....okay," he frowned and face the seat again blushing. I blushed as well. I think he likes you....what? Why would he want to be with a guy like me...he seems too cool for me. The bus stops again, but in front of the school building, "alright, get off! You little shits...," I hear my bus driver say as kids dash down the isle not letting my through, Raph stayed by my side though "see ya later loser," Jason says passing by our seat as I looked down and his friends laugh, Raph glared at him.

Once we went into the school, yep said it, we. I went to my first peiod, which was Science class, and I couldn't help but notice that Raph had the same class with me. "Hello Leonardo. Come and have a seat," my teacher Mr. Craig told me as I nod and smiled sitting in my seat all the way in the back next to Jason. Raph walked in "hello, and what is your name young man?" He asked as Raph blushed and looked at the class "hi, my name is Raphael. I'm new here, if you haven't noticed. That's all I got to say." Jason and his brothers snickered as he grabbed a straw and blew into it making a spit ball shoot out of it hitting Raph right on the forehead "ow! The hell?!" He rubbed his forehead while everyone else just laughed, I frowned knowing that Raph already knew who did it. "Oh Raphael, are you alright? Who is responsible for this?"

Jason pointed at me and smirked "it was the gay boy," everyone looked at me and Jason gave me an evil grin "Really Jason? I'm pretty sure it was you because your showing the evidence. You make it very obvious," he looked on his desk and groaned, I see Raph smile and his made me smile too. It's so cute when he smiles like that. Jason walked up to the front of the class and crossed his arms while his brothers pretend to take notes. "Jason, you do know in trouble right?" Jason just rolled his eyes "yeah, yeah, yeah whatever.....," then he exited the room heading for the office I hope. "Since your new, I'll let you sit in Jason's seat. I can always change his assign seat." I was happy on the inside that Raph gets to sit beside me! He nodded and sat down in the seat. "Heh, happy that I sit here now?" He whispered as I nod blushing.

To be continued................

#887 words written

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