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            Skye is in his car, parked in our yard waiting for me. I pack all my things. Once I come out Skye had already opened the door for me. ' What a gentleman he is', Skye is always there for me. "Thanks Skye.." I say as he nods and gets in the car. He starts the car and pulls out of the yard, he puts his hand on top of mine while doing so. He smiled at me, and I smile back. I am truly in love with this man. I just hope Skye doesn't notice that I still have a little crush on Raphael, otherwise he would abuse me like mh father does and that isn't good.

                        "Skye....do you love me?" I asked cautiously as he stopped at the stop light and looked at me shocked and confused, he finally talks, "w-what do you mean by that?! What, you think I don't love you?!" He asked in a scared voice as I shook my head rapidly "what no! I never said that Skye!" He growled at me as the green light appears and he starts driving again, it was silent. He didn't  say anything to me the entire ride to his house. Once we were there he stops and parks the car in front of the garage and uncranks the car. "Come on, lets get inside," he said getting out, I just followed and  walked inside. As he opened the door, I see a big beautiful chandelier  right in front of the door "oh!" I yelped thinking it was going to fall on me but Skye kissed me on the cheek and he pulls me into a big hug and then he apologizes. "I'm sorry for ya know, yellin at ya back in the car......I just got uncomfortable when you asked me that. The truth is....I do love you Leo. God, I love you so very much and that will never change.....and I won't let Hudson or Jason get in the way of our relationship." His words made me shed a little tears.

                            "Wow Skye....I-......I had no idea.." He puts his finger over my lips to shush me and then he romoves it to give me  long lustful kiss. I kissed back willingly of course and I love every bit of it. "mmm!" I hukmed as my phone began to buzz eagarly, Skye broke the kiss and looked at my phone. "who is it?" He asked, I looked at the screen and it said.......

To Be Continued.....................

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