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"Mom, what is he doing here?"

Ethan asked with a smug look on his face as if he wanted to barf. He always hated me, I mean come on! He's exactly like Jason! Whatever, just try to ignore him, I thought taking a deep breath and sighed, I look at him in the eye innocently as I say, " I'm just here to visit. After dinner, I'll leave if that's what you want." He lifted his eyebrow, it's obvious he's confused. "I don't want you to leave! I just wanna know why you're here!" His light brown eyes sparkling with curiosity waiting for an answer. I gulped and smiled.

"Skye drove me here, he says I could stay with your family for a while."

"Yeah but, why?" Wow, he really wants to know...

My eyes widen as he sighed putting his paws into his hood pockets, he looked down to the side avoiding me, "it's okay, I know why." He grunted and stomped up the stairs viciously, I then hear a door open and then shut, he's in his room hiding away from me, but why? Is he scared? Usually, I'm the scared one so that can't be it. Curiosity lurks it's peek as questions were being tossed throughout my brain, I wonder, why did he seem angry at first? Why did he ask many questions? Why did he walk away?


I get it...


It all makes sense! I then hear another click coming from the door, I see a tall leopard walk in with a suit case, I sort of freaked out a bit, but then he seemed familiar. My father's childhood friend from his high school years! Based on rumors, there was a leopard who was extremely good at any sport you could think of! And based on the way he looks, he is definitely the guy I'm talking about. Skye's mom finished cooking just in time and walked up to give him a kiss on the lips, "hi dear! How was work?" She asked assisting him by grabbing his coat, "work was grand, dear," he talks like a rich person?! Awe come on! He walks to the table and sits down in the chair in front of me, a bit later he notices me.

"Oh hello, you must be the girl my dear boy Skye was talking about. You seem like a beautiful young lady." He complimented which made me feel awkward when he grabs my hand and kisses it softly, his wife saw this immediately she pulls him away from me, "uh that's enough dear! Heheh...this is not a female. This is a man. His name is Leonardo." She explained as he took a closer look at me as he squint his eyes.

"Oh! I'm terribly sorry, I deeply apologize my friend." He said smiling and shaking my hand, "my name is Nova Armada, but you can call me 'Nova'." I smile back and slowly attempt to pull my hand away, but his grip around my wrist tightens, his gazed then turns into a flirty look. He softly bit his lip then licked it, his smile then turns into a grin. I was incredibly creeped out by it obviously. It was either the fact of him not letting go of my hand or it was the part where he had a flirty look on his face, either way it still creeped me out.

"You're really cute, you know that? My son is lucky to have you..." He says in a creepy voice, he rubs my hand as I just look him in the eye.

But I can't look away...


Maybe I love him?

No! I only love Skye! Yet again, I love Raphael...

As a matter of fact I miss Raph a lot...

I want to go back to him...

I have to tell him how I feel...

What do I do?

To be continued..................

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