My fear and Uncertainties

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We lay there in silence, I heard crumbling sounds, like a concrete building getting demolished, even the decibels of sound matched up. More gunshots blasted out, followed by another explosion and a huge flash of light. Sounded almost like... like a battle! Then there came noises, thousands of people cursing, grumbling thinking about their misfortune. Sounded very miserable, everyone seemed to have heard. Those sounds weren't broadcasted, everyone seemed to have. heard it in their minds. I felt strange, the sounds in our heads were rendering us powerless. This was followed by one last explosion, 10 times more intense than the first few. The classroom windows shattered, the shockwave crushed the air right out of my lungs, and the heat singed my eyebrows. Everything went black, for 3 seconds.
Later that day, school was halted, we sat in the hallways as our teachers spoke with the police force of this city, Antiskill. A female Antiskill officer walked in, she has straight hair tied into a ponytail, and very tough and experienced looking. She was in full Antiskill uniform, her clothes bulged a little, it was a bulletproof vest under. Almost as if, she was covering something. Some edges looked a bit ripped, it was scorched. I liked her consideration, I assumed the reason she wasn't carrying a rifle and looking all badass was because this is a school. She doesn't want the kids to get scared. Another smaller, younger looking woman followed her, she had dark green, wavy hair and wearing a pair of glasses. They talked something with the principle about an energy field materializing, some energy like A-I-M? What the heck?
It suddenly occurred to me. AIM! An Involuntary Movement, the weak field of energy unintentionally released by Espers. You'd have to amplify an esper's power by so much in order to generate a field strong enough to be weaponized or go berserk. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I'd rather stay out of this business, but I just can't help it, I seemed to have super hearing. Wait, hold on. Talking about message though AIM fields, those sounds in our heads, were those sent like radio waves through AIM diffusion fields? That was just my thoughts working up some theories. School was dismissed after the conversation. I went to buy my tickets back to my apartment, I tried to assure myself, this was just an experiment gone wrong, it's probably stopped, nothing dangerous will happen.

It was 16:00 when I got back. I stopped at the bottom of the building. A couple of good friends was hanging out, sitting on the benches. I greeted them: "Hi!" "Hello Johnny! Good afternoon!" I was too tired and thinking too much to join them, I went back to my apartment and slumped on my bed. I didn't even bother to grab my  coffee or steep my favorite matcha. I fell asleep for 2 minutes, then woke up. The things that happened today haunted me. Nothing like this happened in two years since I moved in this place. Of course I had nothing to support my worries. However, because of my Esper power, I got into lots of troubles with local gangsters everywhere I went. I always won, but things kept on happening. You see, there are evil scientists. A small minority, but there are. A small amount of corrupt people inside the Board of Directors supports them, and hires wild, mercenary groups to help them. They conduct cruel, evil experiments for their own benefits, money, reputation, influence, most can't avoid law enforcement, but most doesn't mean all. Some even scarier types of these people don't even realize their experiments are wrong. There are also gangs that hates Espers, people like us because they feel like the minorities for not having powers. So they use violence, and weapons to intimidate Espers, without realizing they are never left out and not understanding how we can all just be well together. The crazy scientists backed up by corrupt government people are the scariest, because fighting them is like fighting about half the city.
One of my smaller fears included making enemies with people, because I really cared about friends, I worry too much about how I was. My other worst fear was bad things, all Esper power related troubled as mentioned above. I moved in this city and just felt that I had to be "normal". First I learned I was an Esper, I was quite joyful. Until things went bad, you see, I had a little social life when I just started eighth grade, but it got better. The problem was, I still had trouble with it. I only had my ring of friends. In this city, where people were accepting, I feel better now. I guess small things like social stuff just gets compensated more as you grow, you still get experience. I maybe just have to be more open minded. Yes of course, I am an Esper after all, our brains are built for that.
I had this ocean of thoughts, maybe that's why I made the crazy decision to come here. I made friends, just normal friends. We don't treat each others differently just because we have powers-espers are just people with extra powers. We are not like mutants from X-men. I kept those crazy thoughts away. But I still feared my power attracting trouble. I'm not gonna pretend it hadn't happened before. I've heard about stories of experiments gone wrong, without even realizing they are doing the wrong thing. Well, being an Esper was not the greatest thing, but I'm stuck with myself, I still had to live. And I'm fond of it. In this more unique place, I feel better. I just assumed what happened today was just an accident.

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