[ 0.5 ] I'ma kill this douchebag

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 P r e v i o u s  C h a p t e r


Alec tried to ran forward but i stopped him just a second before a car holding both carrot and Simon in it speed by just a few seconds from running him over.

"Fucking carrot." I said and Alec just nodded while running fingers trought his hair in stressed manners.


P R E S E N T  T I M E


"Damn it, Alec." Oh hell no you fake ass blonde!

"What? Clary snuck out of the Institute and yet you're blaming our brother? Fascinating." Yes you go girl! That's my future bestie.

"Where is she? Where's Clary?" Jace asked again.

"Gone you stupid ass bitch" i gave him my usual poker face.

He was about to jump on me but Alec just had to interupt my fun.

"She's gone."

I sighed because the last time i fought a Herondale i had the fun of the century.

"What do you mean, gone?" Damn he stupid.

"She and Simon got arrested when I was securing the fire escape." Alec told him.

"I got distracted. You can't just ignore a handsome fellow when you see one" I said while giving a wink towards the male Lightwood.

"The mundane was here?"

"Of course! Carrot can't wait 5 minutes without her obviously friendoned friend." Izzybear looked kind of impresed while Jacey... Not so much.

"Simon? He's gone, too?" Sizzy for live.

"It was an unmarked car." My future baby daddy said.

"I don't know where they took her."

"What did you do, Alec?" Jacey said ready to atack Alec but don't you worry no one will touch Alec while i'm here.

"Damn it. She's not showing up. We need to parabatai track." Bitch you are not touching him in my sight and you like really don't need to, i can just tell you where miss i don't care about anything other then my mommy is. Well i wouldn't tell them because where's the fun in that?

"Alec, concentrate." Jace said.

"I'm doing it." Alec defended himself.

"She's not showing up." Well ain't that obvious.

"Just like I thought. She wasn't arrested." Hm and would you look at that.

"It was your job to look after her." I'ma kill this douchebag.

"I did my best, Jace." I know babyboy.

"Then maybe your mother was right, and your best is just isn't good enough." Fuck this.

I walked up from the wall pulled back my arm and sent a fist towards his face.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asked while holding his bleading obviously broken nose.

"William would of been ashamed of you. Treating your parabatai like that, stupid, stupid nephilim." As i finished talking i returned to Alec's side.

"Jace! Hey! Are you so blinded by your feelings for Clary, you've lost sight of us? Clary snuck out. I went after her to protect her. I did nothing you haven't done a thousand times before." Yes baby your doing amazing.

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