[ 0.6 ] Daddy long legs won't be a virgin for too long.

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 P r e v i o u s  C h a p t e r


"We never should have lied to you." Like i didn't say that to Jocelyn.

"Luke. Luke, hey! It's okay.
We're getting you help, okay? Just, please, don't leave me again. I can't have anyone else die because of me" Well that was heartbreaking i thought sarcastically.


M a g n u s  f l a t


Clary, Luke, Simon and i were in Magnus flat while Jace as i know is sitting trying to figure out how to park the car.

They all rushed towards the werewolf while i walked towards my stash of alchohol. I knew i was going to need it if i wanted to go trought the day without killing anyone.

"What happened?" Magnus asked.

"Oh to him? Something but man i'm happy he killed the motherfucker that survived 30 daggers in his body." I told him drinking the last gulp of rum.

"Theo? Girl i told you that man was alive but no you didn't want to go and trow 30 more knives in him to make sure he stayed dead." He sassily commented.

"CAN YOU HELP US OR NOT!?" screamed the red haired demon also known as carrot top or Clary.

"He was attacked!" No fucking shit sherlock! The blood and claw marks didn't fucking explain that.

"He needs a warlock." She panted. "He needs you."

"Put him here." Maggy pointed to the couch for Simon and Clary put Luke on.

"Where are you?" He did that weird talk in his sleep. Well more like coma. "I can't find you. Where are... where are you? Where are you?"

"Damn he's probably having an wet dream or some kind of nightmare." I told Maggy. "Huh, anyway, sucks to be him.

"Five bucks he's having a wet dream." I said to him.

"You're on."

"Jocelyn! Where are you? Jocelyn! Jocelyn!" He continued panting like the wolf he was. "Where are you?"

"Boring." I said and took a gulp of rum.

"Wait!" Ooo! Maybe it's something actually not boring for once, Alexander probably isn't boring. I smirked. "Jocelyn! Jocelyn..."

Magnus nodded and took out five bucks and i took them and stuffed them in my bra.

"No, Luke, it's Clary." She told the man like he could hear her. "Can you hear me?"

The werewolf, opened his eyes and and began muttering.

"Clary, listen to me." He said. "Listen... You have to listen to me. I have to tell you, just in case..."

Ugh i can't believe i'm in a room with a shadowhunter, vampire, werewolf and a warlock without them fighting over some clave shit that no one cares except the nephilims.

The last time everyone died expect me and George Washington who was a warlock.

"No, don't even say it, don't. No, listen to me." She said. "Luke."

"No, you need to know! Listen..." Oh they still talking?

"Was he bitten by an alpha?" Not a real one, Theo was a pussy cat.

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