[ 1.2 ] Forever and Always

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I then felt my self turning sick then i pushed Alec's arms of myself and ran to the bathroom.

Fucking trolls i thought vomiting my guts out.


I was standing in front of mirror cleansing my mouth with water, can't fucking believe that they kissed. I will have nightmares because of them.

After i was done planing how to remove the memory from my head, i left the bathroom and walked to the main hall.

Alexander was looking seriously at the screen with Jace near him.

"Alec, what are you doing?" He asked his annoyed parabatai. "You can stare at this monitor all you want, they need angel blood to get past the wards. You know that. No Downworlder can come into the Institute. Not without an invite by a Shadowhunter."

"Last I checked, Valentine is a Shadowhunter." Dammmn... "The Cup is not safe here. We have to give it back to the Clave."

"Give it back to the Clave? No." Jace yelled out. I made my presence know by wrapping my arms around the Lightwoods waist. "Agreed!"

I felt Alexander flinch but relax a second after.

Jace looked at me with the most - what the fuck are you talking about - look and i just rolled my eyes... "what a fucking noob."

"Not after everything we went through to get it." He said once again letting my sincere comment out of his mind. "My brother is right. The Cup is extremely important." Izzy interpended.

Clarissa sighed.

"Are you agreeing with me?" Alec looked over at his sister with a suprised look. "I'm full of surprises."

"This Cup is the one chance I have at getting my mom back." Clary once again said something ridiciulous.

"Fuck. will you shut the fuck up about your mother" i let go of Alec's waist and said to the naive girl.

" No one fucking cares what happens to her, don't you understand? " my eyes were shinning, with the need to release the fire within them. I noticed the shorter girls eyes tear up.

" The downworld is at risk of being exposed and destroyed! " i could not let her kill any more of my downworlder brothers and sisters because of her selfish needs.

" Your mother... she's not important when thousands, millions of warlocks, werewolves, vampires and every other supernatural creature out there - Child or adult, could be killed. " I let myself stalk up to the fucking imbicile with a death glare that frighten even the worst of the greater demons, themselves.

 " I let myself stalk up to the fucking imbicile with a death glare that frighten even the worst of the greater demons, themselves

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My palm connected with her cheek and while her head snapped to the side, i finally relaxed. Even a little bit now knowing that she would know of the risks.

Then i took her chin in my hand, my eyes were soon lit up with the fire of kitsune and i let out berely noticible words to people around us.

"If any... any of my kind get killed because of you... you will wish of the release of you body and upon hell i will greet you with the torture till you die inside but even then you will feel the rath and hatered i have for you." My words were only heard by her ears but anyone within a 50 mile radius could feel the terror and fear radiating of her.

I let go of her and subtly turned around towards the exit of the room.

"What the fuck just happend?"

But the only thing running in Clarissa's mind were the words spoken by the kitsune "If any... any of my kind get killed because of you.." but weren't she the only kitsune left?

Vixen was walking up the stairs to the balcony that had the view of the starts.

Heels clicking at the ground. Head held high with no fear in her eyes.

Can't let her head down... the crown would slide...

Vixen wasn't her usual self. Alexander noticed. No, the woman before him wasn't smirking or laughing like she usually was. Now he noticed the small details about her that weren't noticible before.

He noticed the small difference between her eye color. He saw how her lips turned up in a small fake smile. He saw her eyes treathened to spill tears and he saw her trembling hands that would usually stay strong. And he saw her body start to shake. That's when he walked up to the tall girl and hugged her. Her arms wrapped around his waist and she let her head rest on his shoulder. He may not know the reason of her tears but he let himself be there for her, now and from this momemt to the later.

Forever and always

he thought.

But the only thing running trought Vixens mind was. "it's coming, it's coming" without a stop. She could feel the day coming closer and closer.

She KNEW she was strong enough for that day but... was the world strong enough for that?...


1095 days soon to be over.


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