With the pain eating at me; I regained my balance and headed to the bathroom for the boring morning routine. I brushed my teeth, and took a quick shower making sure it was polar express cold to get my mind away from that eerie encounter with my sub-conscious.
After I dried myself I sat in front of my mirror, too large for its own good, and started straightening my hair. It's raven black and goes to my waist which is why I take at least half an hour to finish it. A few burnt fingers and a few bruises later, I put on my almost non-existent make up; I don't even know why I bother with it at all. No seriously.
Walking through my walk-in closet, I made my way to its farthest side which had my casual attire. As usual, I picked the least presentable outfit consisting of black jeans, a black tee, my over-sized batman hoodie, DC shoes, and my batman cap. Don't get me wrong, I do care about how I look I just don't spend a lot of time on perfecting it because by the end if the day, one of two things is bound to happen; either someone "accidentally" spills something on me or I just end up sweating like I have a built in heater.
With one last look in the mirror, I went downstairs to have breakfast.
Going down the huge staircase, I stood for once and took in the vastness of the house for the very first time since we came here 5 months ago. It was two stories high, had ceramic floors, around 10 bedrooms - 3 in the lower floor, 3 here and 4 upstairs - a staircase in the middle of the house with two pillars at each end, and the best part; the garden. There was a huge garden that had a beautiful blossom orchard and a huge swimming pool; perfect for summers and parties except I don't like summer and I'm not much of a party person; any ways, back to my room.
My room is located on the second floor on the opposite end from my parents' bedroom, facing the front gate. It was exceptionally large, so I took full advantage of that. When you first enter the room, there's an electronic piano at the far end with an acoustic guitar lying next to it; a place I like to call my home studio although me and singing never go hand in hand. Next to it was my huge plasma T.V attached to the wall, facing the wall length window, actually my whole room is basically a huge window but you get the point. Facing the T.V was my bed, queen size with that cool princess thing they put around it.
Past my bed there's a huge walk in closet that has a door right into the bathroom and that's not even the best part. The best thing I love about my room is that it has a second floor right in it. Since the ceiling were really high they decided to make a mini floor that doesn't have walls, but only a small wooden fence separating it from the lower floor. Up there, I decided to start my own library. Up there, I have almost 200 books and counting, my study desk equipped with stationary, a laptop, a printer/scanner and finally a study lamp.
Before I could even think of my parent's room, I caught a whiff of the air around me and I suddenly started drooling like the exaggerated cartoon way. I started mindlessly following the mesmerizing scent. I could smell something amazingly delicious; pancakes and waffles. I entered the kitchen to find both my parents sitting there; devouring their breakfast.
"Morning there kiddo" My dad said without looking up from his newspaper. I came over and kissed his forehead.
Since my dad is the CEO of his company he comes and goes as he pleases and sometimes even works from home; makes me wonder why we moved here at all. Oh well.
"Mornin' daddy" I said as I made my way to my mom's side. Yes I'm a daddy's girl get over it!
"Someone looks happy today" said my mom in a sing-song manner as I hugged her.
The thing about my mom is that even though she faces tremendous pressure at work about creating a new product that has never been seen before, she never brings her problems home.

The Girl They Never Noticed
Teen Fiction✨COMPLETED✨ I took a few steps before I stopped to face him again. "Jay?" I said, barely above a whisper. "Hmm?" "I love you. You know that right?" I asked, kind of unsure. "of course. Of course I do." He said, scrunching his eyebrows as if he doesn...