Chapter 3

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As I entered the hallway, a parade of different smells welcomed me. It smelled like jasmine, sweat, smoke, cafeteria food, deodorants, perfumes and lots of other things I can't even differentiate. Apart from being extremely clumsy, I had a very sensitive stomach. I held my breath and ran to my class on the right end of the building.

After about five minutes of trying to get myself to move against the crowd, I reached my class completely out of breath and somewhat dizzy and nauseous from the different types of colognes I encountered in the hallway.

I was making my way to the middle row where my best friends and I usually sat when Jace Ross, local bully and the re-incarnation of Satan himself, stuck out his leg but I stepped over it just in time. Three years of being pushed around by him and I finally know all his stupid pranks.

After sending him a death glare I got to my seat sand waited for my friends to come. As I was taking out my books, both Sabrina and Brenda sat heavily on the desk holding their hands over their mouths and inhaling deeply like they just ran a marathon; of course I already know the reason.

"From the looks on your faces, I think it'll be safe to say that you also stumbled upon the cologne festival outside right?" I said patting Brenda's back.

"You have no idea. Someone should show them that showers are taken with soap, not perfume." replied Sabrina as she regained her breathing and pretended to faint.

Before I could even utter another word, Miss Sheffield came marching into class without even bothering to close the door, which could only mean one thing...

"Pop quiz!" She announced, almost singing, which earned her groans from almost half the class.

Who sings when they're announcing a pop-quiz?

"Please move a desk away from your friends and yes I specifically mean you Mr. Ross." She paused to look at him and he just smirked, loving the attention.

"The quiz will be on thermodynamics, and you have 40 minutes only. You can leave once you're done."

And with that said, she started passing out our papers. Of course I smiled, knowing fully well that I studied more than I should and that I would probably finish it in 10 minutes and still ace it.

When I got my paper, I wrote my name and flipped it. To my surprise it was only 2 pages and most of the questions were definitions and true or false.

I looked around me before I started and I almost laughed out loud at all the confused faces I was looking at, some of them were even turning the pages upside down because they couldn't understand a word.

"Come on guys it's not that hard." I told them in my mind.

The first question was the definition of enthalpy change and how we can calculate it. Since the first question was extremely easy I started relaxing a little and before I knew it I was finished with the final calculation. When I looked at the clock only 15 minutes have passed and no one else around me seemed to be close to finishing.

I double and triple checked my paper before I realized that there was nothing wrong and then, after I packed my books, went to hand it in. Miss Sheffield was always amazed at how quickly I finished and smiled as I handed in my paper.

"You sure you don't want to study Chemistry in college dear?" She whispered, smiling from ear to ear.

"I think I'm good with medicine and forensic science as my undergrad." I whispered back, heading out the door.

"Well I'm sure you'll ace it either way!"

Of course that didn't go unnoticed by the annoying masses also known as the rest of the class because even though it was fairly quiet, I could almost swear I heard someone muttering "nerd", and "what a freak" and "she thinks she's better than everyone".

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