Chapter 33

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I was drugged.

Not with the good kind either.

Damn where did they find this thing?


As of this moment, I can feel everything, I can see everything, and I can even hear everything; I just can't move.

Or speak.

Or apparently open my eyes.

Other than that, I'm pretty aware of what's going on because of this weird 'talent' I posses where I can make out my surroundings only from the atmosphere of the air.

In here, I could feel some form of pressure along with the sound of moving air; which meant we were in a car. I can also hear the honking of cars and the weird sound of exhausts. Yup, we're definitely in a car, driving on the highway too!

I could also feel my hands tied in front of me with a handcuff; and it doesn't even hurt.

"What are we supposed to do now?" I hear one of them ask.

"We're supposed to listen to what the mister said and bring her to him."

"What do you think he's going to do to her?"

"I don't know. It's way above my pay grade. Besides why do we care? He said he'll pay us half a million dineros if we get her to him alive. We seem to be doing a pretty good job so let's just focus on that."

"What if he doesn't pay us though? What if he burns us. When we deliver her to him like we were ordered, he takes a gun and shoots us. Ever thought about that?"

"Seriously kid, you watch way too much crime drama, like damn hermano. Chilax! We didn't hurt her so there's no need to get all crazy mamacita on me!"

"Maybe signing up for this wasn't such a good idea...."

"Can you please - for the love of all that is holy - please shut up! We are taking her there, getting our money, and we'll be on our first plane to la la land. Heck we could even go to Narnia if you want. Just, please, keep that yapper of yours shut so we don't fall into a deep crap hole that we won't be able to dig our way from."

"I'm just saying...."

"Oh dios mio!

"Jeeez fine ok! I'll shut up! Your funeral not mine. Oh wait. It's both our funerals if this goes sideways."

"When have we ever gone sideways man? As long as I got you, I won't let anything happen to you okay?"

He never answered him. Maybe they shared a look or something, but nothing verbal.

It felt like a whole century passed without anyone saying anything. For some reason, I felt like I was going to throw up and my head started feeling dizzy but that was pushed aside when I felt something.

I felt the whole car physically shake due to the vibration of someone's phone. I hope it isn't mine or I'm definitely toast. I could still somehow feel the pressure of my phone in my pocket, which is great!!

My brain was starting to hurt me so much that every single heartbeat echoed in my head and caused the throbbing to worsen. Now, with my senses heightened and this vibration apparently increasing, it keeps on getting worse. Like someone is sawing my skull in half.

I seriously need to have a talk with whoever made this drug because the side effects in contrast to what it actually does are just horrible. If I'm drugged, I'm not supposed to be hearing everything going around me in such great detail!

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