Chapter 15

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The pick up truck that 's literally terrorized us belonged to the sweet boy??

To CJ Walker??

How could that be??

I'm sure Jace meant something else.

"Jace. Are you sure?! THE CJ Walker? The sweet nice boy? THAT CJ?" I said, trying not to believe it.

"Uh yeah. Carleton James Walker. He actually bought it yesterday. Pretty neat ride huh? He said it's kind of battered, so he'll be completely renovating it."

"Then we need to ask who he bought it from." I said

"So you're gonna be like Oh Hey there CJ, how ya doing? Ya did you happen to buy a new car? WHO DID YOU BUY IT FROM!?" Pointed out Asthon.

"It's ok we'll find something out." I said, just as the bell rang.

We threw our trash away and went to our respective classes. Having CJ in my class made things a little easier. Unless we needed partners, he would normally sit alone.

Going to Calculus, I spot him sitting alone at the back of his class, looking outside the window; prisoner of his own imagination.

"Hey CJ." I said, as I made my way to the seat next to him.

"Hey Alexis! H-How's i-it going?" He stuttered, something he never does.

"I'm doing great thanks! How's your hand? What happened by the way?" I asked cautiously, so as not to alarm him. My mind went back to last night's break in. The person who jumped might've gotten hurt, and whataya know, CJ is hurt.

"Uh, I actually got cut." He said, sinking lower to his chair. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"With what?" I asked; slowly.

"Are you interrogating me Alexis? I'm not hiding anything I promise." He said nervously.

"Who says I'm accusing you of anything? I was merely asking about your hand." I pointed out, deciding to quit interrogating the poor boy.

"How are you? I haven't seen you much after you came out of the hospital. You fell a long way." He abruptly shut himself up.

His eyes widened in realization.

Did he just...?




He just unknowingly confessed to being the one who saved me!! Oh. My. God.!!

"It was you wasn't it?! You saved me didn't you??" I asked, suddenly overly excited.

"Um I-I don't know what you're talking about." He said, faking calmness.

"How did you know that I fell a long way, if you weren't the one who saved me?? No one else was with me the day it happened, and no one else knew what happened to me except for whoever came for me, because let's be honest, it's not like I accidentally called the ambulance."

"Alexis, I really don't know what you're talking about." He said as he sat straight.

I knew it was him who saved me. I know it's him, I just don't know why he's denying it.

I poked his shoulder and he turned to face me.

We had a lot of similarities, I could tell. Our hair color, same eyes, same face shape, and even the few freckles on our nose was at the exact same spot. Weird what you can see from such closeness. It's like discovering a whole new person.

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