Chapter 27

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***Chapters 1-4 have been edited***

***Chapters 1-4 have been edited***Also THANK YOU GUYS SOOO SOO MUCH BECAUSE THIS STORY IS  CURRENTLY RANKED AT #446 IN TEEN FICTION❤️😭✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

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-Play Song Here-

"Nooooooo!" Jaycee's pained screams echoed through the stunned house.

We all ran towards the window to see what was going on; still trying to process what in the same heck just happened. Sebastian was sprawled on the floor, seemingly unconscious while the perpetrator was lying next to him, unconscious as well. We couldn't see much due to the pouring rain.

I looked at everyone. Brenda had tears streaming down her face while Sabrina was awestruck. The boys had their hands on top of their heads while Jaycee......well he wasn't even there.



"Guys we need to go see what's wrong!!" I screamed, bringing them out of their daze as we all scattered to go down the stairs.

Three words.

Please wake up!!!

Two words.

God no!!

One word.


Jaycee was sprawled on his brother's body, crying like a baby who just lost his entire family.

"Please wake up!! Sebastian please!! You promised you'd be there for me!" Tears were running down his face, falling on his brother's limp body as it mixed with rain.

"Jaycee..." started officer McDaniels.

"No!! Get away from him! Get away from me!! Sebastian wake up!! I can't lose you too!! Please! Please...." He was silently sobbing, his shoulders bobbing up and down.

I looked around me and I could see the pained expression on all my friends' faces; especially Brenda. Everyone was out here, under the heavy rain but the perpetrator was no where to be found; the rain covering any signs or tracks of him.

I walked towards Sebastian's limp body and basically pried Jaycee off of him, and got on my knees. I started CPR on his heart steadily; my own heart breaking at the painful sobs of his brother.

"Come on Sebastian." I whispered , applying more pressure.

"This is Officer Jayden J. McDaniels, badge number 12321, requesting assistance at 9870 ForestWay Drive. Officer down, I repeat, Officer down!!"

I continued applying more pressure, but I saw blood seeping out his shirt.

"Brenda! Come here!!" I said, trying not to lose focus.

"W-what is it?" She said, bending down next to me.

"There's a wound bleeding out his shirt. I need you to please find the source and...."

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