Chapter 51

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I dedicate this chapter to the amazing, and beautiful and brave megancox08 <3 stay strong my lovely gal!

ALSSOO!! I plan on changing the cast as soon as the book is done cuz they all look like kids....basically.

Any suggestions? I'm keeping Jaycee, Ashton, Jace, Aaron and the idiot bully.

ALSO this chapter was written right after the previous one but i couldn't find an exciting way to end that it's here...LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN <3


It was safe to say that Annabelle was so disappointed and utterly horrified, yet somehow proud. 

Kind of. 

Sort of.

I would like to think so anyways.

 I did in fact help a beautiful person but in return I got my location somehow compromised.

Typical Alexis move I swear.

I try to do something sweet and thoughtful but it ends up blowing up in my face like a nasty stink bomb.

Oh well... 

On the bright side, New York is a huge city and I could literally be anywhere by now. So not exactly a loss.

Annabelle was waiting for me at the entrance of the hospital, with a look I couldn't quite decipher. Was she mad? Furious? Happy to see me?

Yeah, I'll go with that.

She's so happy to have finally seen me that she's impatiently tapping her feet, with her arms crossed. With a look only the devil himself can wear.

Yup. Definitley that.

I knew I was smart for a reason. Good job Lexi.

"Alexis Raven Pierce! What do you have to say for yourself?!" She said, her eyes shooting daggers at me. My eyes automatically closed at the sound of my full name the same way it did when I was being reprimanded for eating sand as a kid.

Wait. Is that why I'm an utter moron? Was it because I ate sand?! Because let me tell you, that would explain so much!

Like, so much, so much.

Also replying with what I always say at the mention of my name, I replied with a fake spanish accent, "That is not my name senorita! It is I, Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramírez!"

Yes, Zach and Cody will always be in my heart.

Remembering my childhood comeback, her face lit up a little bit. Just a little bit. 

"After all the measures that have been taken to protect you Alexis, you just go and ruin it all in an instant?" She says, guiding us both towards the VIP suites we've  been trapped in for the past God knows how many days.

"In all fairness, it wasn't even my fault. I didn't even have a smartphone with me! You gave me a brick from the days of Moses and called it a phone. All I did was treat someone to a place they deserve. I thought it would redeem all the bad things I caused my friends over the past few days. I mean, seriously, who would've even predicted that people would have their noses off their phones and actually be listening to what others are saying?" I let out, frustrated at the situation I've been stuck in. How no matter what I do, no matter what I say or who I meet; it's always my damn fault.

"That is the real world out there! No matter how much you care Annabelle, you can't protect me from the real world. Everyone has a phone, everyone knows someone who knows someone, and even if the entire FBI took every communicating device to ever exist, there would still be news of the girl who helped an old lady. People talk. We can't change that or make a law prohibiting that."

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