Jaycee's POV:
"Hiya there buttercup." Came a voice from behind me, a voice I craved more than life itself.
I turned around to come face to face with my beautiful angel. A smile appeared on my face involuntarily.
"Baby what are you doing here? Where were you? I miss you." I tried reaching out for her but my hands went right through her. I tried reaching out again and again but it went right through every single time.
"What's going on? Why can't I hold you Lexi? Don't you want me anymore?"
"No Jay don't ever say that. I'll always want you. I'll always need you; you're my lifeline." She said, stroking my cheek. Her hands were so cold I felt them in my heart.
"What's going on Alexis. What's happening? Please don't go away. I didn't mean what I said when I told you that it'll take too much to fix us. I don't need anything. I just need you." I tried like hell not to cry because I've been doing a lot of that lately which I really hate. I hate feelings and I hate emotions, but I just couldn't help it. I don't understand how this stupid, garbage of a heart works. Also why exactly is it even connected to my tear ducts?
"I'll always be with you Jaycee Royce and you'll always have me. All you have to do is be sure I'm the one you want. Just be sure that it'll only be me; no matter what." She looked visibly upset, like she thought I'd be abandoning her. Heck to the no girl that's never happening.
"Of course I'm sure. There's no doubt in my mind..." I started, but she quite literally started to disappear from in front of me.
"Lexi wait! Please don't leave again wait! Wait!" I yelled as I started running behind her, my hand reaching out to touch a strand of her hair; or anything. I ran so fast without seeing where I was going. One wrong step and I slipped and fell down a cliff. The air was sucked right out of my lungs and it took me a whole minute to regain it. I yelled and yelled, but nothing came out. It felt like I was endlessly falling in slow motion; the air slowly leaving my system. I saw the ground getting closer and I tried to hold on to anything but I miserably failed. Curse these jelly fingers! A few seconds before I hit the ground I finally came to; gasping for air.
It was just a dream. It was all a damn dream!
I put my head between my knees and tried to rock myself to calm down; my whole body was shaking. How the hell does this one girl have this much power over me? How does a mere dream of her leave me sweating and my heart about to explode. Apart from the sound of my rapidly beating heart, I heard something else. Between the engine sounds and the minor turbulences, and the annoyingly loud music coming from Jace's headphones; I could hear it. Someone was crying. I looked up and started looking towards the sound and my eyes landed on a hoodie with a pair of pink cat ears.
I wiped the sweat off my forehead and made my way towards where she was sitting. She was hugging a pillow so hard it almost fell apart. Her face red with a river of streaming tears. What on earth happened? Is what happened with Sebastian still haunting her?
"Hey." I said, literally too afraid to take a step further. Yes, my best friend scares the crap out of me sometimes.
"Hey Jay." She barely whispered, taking her headphones off; face still glued towards the window.
"Do you mind if I join you?"
She just shook her head without looking at me; still staring out the window.
I sat down, reluctant to open my mouth, but I already knew why she's upset.
Sebastian; that's why. Making ladies cry since '95.

The Girl They Never Noticed
Teen Fiction✨COMPLETED✨ I took a few steps before I stopped to face him again. "Jay?" I said, barely above a whisper. "Hmm?" "I love you. You know that right?" I asked, kind of unsure. "of course. Of course I do." He said, scrunching his eyebrows as if he doesn...