I took a few steps before I stopped to face him again.
"Jay?" I said, barely above a whisper.
"I love you. You know that right?" I asked, kind of unsure.
"of course. Of course I do." He said, scrunching his eyebrows as if he doesn...
Today, I can proudly say, has been a very successful day. I got Brad the idiot suspended, and the DNA test results are coming out later today.
So, how did Brad get suspended? Being the captain of the basketball team gives you access to school surveillance tapes for some deranged reason. So Jaycee, being the wonderful friend that he is, gave me that access, and with my professional hacking skills, I downloaded the video I needed, created an anonymous email, and anonymously sent it to the school administration. I promised him suspension, and suspension is what he got. That'll teach him to mess with people who can't stand him!
I just hope he isn't planning my assassination because, honestly, I've had enough of those to last a lifetime.
When I left the office, the hallways were deserted, as they always are the beginning of first period. I made my way to Chemistry class and sat on the seat Jace saved for me. Apparently, since it was the last week before winter break, we're taking it easy. Miss Sheffield was checking our chemistry quizes and making our finals which meant that we literally had nothing to do.
Cue Jace.
"So what was that about? Whatever it was that happened between you and CJ." He asked. Oh damn, I forgot to tell him!
"Ok, you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone yet!" I loud-whisper to him.
"Sure. I promise." He said, seriously.
"Ok. So apparently when I was a kid, I used to have a twin brother who got kidnapped due to a grudge and feud between my parents and my uncle and some other guy called Alexander Boyce. The same time he was kidnapped, my mom's custom made necklace disappeared as well. After they told me all that, I tied everything in my head with CJ. He had the exact same necklace that was lost when he was kidnapped, he was adopted in Michigan where Alexander Boyce was last seen, he and I look so much alike, we have the exact same birthdays, and he has a baby picture where he looks exactly like the baby in my baby pictures. I brought him home, and everything suddenly connected. So today they're taking a DNA test. We'll see what happens."
I had to check his pulse to see if he was still alive. He was frozen in place, eyes wide, mouth hung open. After waving my hands in front of his eyes repeatedly, he finally spoke.
"Is this some kind of movie script you're working on? Because that would make on heck of a script."
"You seriously think I would make this up?! The poor guy has been through a lot."
"Yeah he did. I'm glad he found you guys though. I've known him since middle school, and I would hate for such a nice guy to end up miserable his whole life. He's very lucky to have someone like you in his life Alexis." He said earnestly.
"Awwww thank you Jace. It really means a lot."
The bell rang, signalling the end of first period.
The rest of the day dragged on so slowly because we weren't doing anything major. Except maybe preparing for the talent show; which was tonight. Wow I really can't wait!!! All my friends - except Jace - will be performing something!!
As I went out to go home, I remembered that it was Jaycee who drove me here today, but I've been trying to reach him all day, but I couldn't find him. I spent about 10 minutes just looking around for anyone of my friends; the parking lot becoming emptier by the second, until there were only a dozen cars left.
"Need a ride anywhere Alexis?" Asked a familiar voice.
Mr. Lucas.
That's weird. That's actually beyond weird. He never calls me Alexis, heck he doesn't call anyone by their first name. What?!
"Uh, no sir I'm ok. My friend is driving me home." I said faking a smile, my hands shaking. If only I could find my idiot friend. He took a step towards me, but I took three steps back.
"Are you sure?? It's not like I'm gonna kidnap you or anything." The look in his eyes becoming dark and sinister.
The way he said the word kidnap, sent shivers down my spine. It was as if the devil himself was speaking; it dripped with venom.
"No one's implying that sir. My friend is coming out any minute now. He drove me in the morning, so I'm just waiting for h-him." I said, my voice faltering at the end.
He took another step forward, i took one backwards; again.
"It won't be any trouble, your house is on the way to mine." He said, apparently knowing where I live; because, you know, that isn't stalkerish at all!
My heart was starting to beat a little faster, as the situation became even more uncomfortable. Before he could even take a step forward, someone spoke.
"I'm sure the lady said she doesn't want a ride sir!" The person spat.
My twin!!
I rushed to his side but I don't think he even noticed because he was having a stare-off with Mr. Lucas.
"Uh, is everything ok?" I asked, confused at the sudden hostility. If you actually saw them, you'd think they knew each other since they were kids. Like one stole the other's transformer lego and never gave it back.
"Yes Ms. Pierce. Everything is just peachy." He said as he gave me a final glare. He then walked away but I could almost swear I heard him mumble something along the lines of "this isn't over yet."
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AN: SORRRYYY for the short chapter guys, but I felt like this might actually be the best place to stop the chapter. Also I realized that my reads in recent chapters are much lower than before!!
So I'll make a small deal with you guys; if I get 50 views and 20 votes, THEN I'll upload the next chapter. So tag people and tell them about the story. Sorryy and thank yoouu❤️❤️❤️