Chapter 1

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Luna's Pov

My name is Luna Mendoza and I'm the little sister of the queen of the most powerful cartels.

We are from mexico. We were born poor, not that that's bad. But take it from us, we've been poor and we've have been rich.

Rich is better.believe us. Because now we run the biggest drug empire in the western hemisphere.

You could say, that we are living proof that the american dream is alive and well.

And we've become good at it. And yet some may not agree how we got here but we really don't care. And you shouldn't judge.

Thanks to my sister, you always had weed for your stupid weekend dinner parties or a gram for your crappy bachelorette thing. Your're welcome, but the trick...... is to stay alive long enough to enjoy the fruits of this labor.

In this business, your shelf life is only so long. we knew days like this would come.

People have been trying to do this since Sinaloa.


TERESA: Hola, buenas. How Much?

Guy in Car: A thousand.

I watched how my sister exchanged the money. we been working together since we need the money to take care of our selfs but this night, it was different but this night changed everything for us.Till' she meet him.

Teresa usually kept her nose clean...well sort of.

She has a drug of choice. His name was guero. He was a Chicano from Texas.

Teresa: Hola. Do you need money changed?

I watched as teresa went up to this guy, he was leaning on his car with a big smirk on his face as teresa went up to him. but my sister also had this glow to her when she saw him. so i said were i was and observed.

and awaiting for the guy to answer her but when he did.

Guero: Just watching you change money os enough.

He told her that he smiled like the biggest idiot., teresa tried her hardess not to smile like an idiot so i answered for her.

Luna: how much?

as i asked him, we were interrupted by this lady whom was inside the car that he was leaning on.

Lady: oh, my God, Guero. What's taking you so long?

Guero: Ya Calmate mija haya voy

once he respond back to the lady in the car, he finally toke the money out his pocket from his shirt, then handing it to me since i was literally right in front of him. Once he hand me the money. I gave it to teresa ,so she can count since it was her consumer after all. As teresa was counting the money the lady in the car told us

Lady: oh, my God! Look how pretty ya two are.

Teresa couldn't help to smile, i was gonna tell her thank you for the compliant but she spoke before i did

Lady: look at those legs she quickly turn to whom. I'm guesting is her boyfriend or whatever and tells him, Chino, look how pretty these girls are.

Coming out the car to take a look himself,while she was talking

Lady: they are so pretty. Oh, honeys, ya'll so pretty to be working here.

while responds to her

Chino: What? Okay, They're prety. Hey, Ya'll beautiful. The two of you look like twins .

teresa and i just smiled like total girly girl who had just had to talked to the cutes boy in the world. before either of us could answer the lady once again beat us to it by saying.

Lady: he's alwyas exaggerating!

so i decide once she's done talking i will finally answer her.

Lady: Chino, That hurts! Don't do that! I Don't like that! Ow.

which made us, that were outside the car to laugh because he was pulling on her hair but once he had to stop because are boss came up to us. making us to stop alughing and mostly telling teresa that he is paying us to exchange money and not to be flirting, while saying that he was grading on her. that was making me made. so i stepped in not carrying if i get fired or not.

Luna: hey asshole get away from my sister.

i said to him while pushing him away from teresa. i started to swing at him, intill the guy we were just talking to toke me off of him. he told me to go back with teresa while he will deal with the asshole and i said okay. i watched as guero threw him against the car and heard what he told my former boss.

Guero: You ever do that to another girl, I'm gonna find you.

as we watched him not really listening to what he was telling. And i got to be honest. This was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for my sister. once the guy guero was done beating that guy up. He went up to us but mostly to teresa.

Guero: So. now that you and your sister are out of a job. ya'll wanna come with us?

he asked while putting a cigarette in his mouth and thinking damn my sister got it hard because at that moment she fell hard for him. and i was so happy for her.


My sister and I. we never really had friends or much of a family, so fate sent us a new one. Guero. His cousin Chino, and Brenda.

We were currently entering this club, and us girls go straight to the bathroom to "powered up" or to take a sniff of coke. and get slutter than we were orginally.

Brenda: I can tell her really likes you. I know this things' cause I'm like a witch. bueno, a sexy witch

the stuff brenda was telling teresa were true but the way he protect her by beating our former boss up and threating . make it so so real. as i help brenda make teresa look more beautiful so guero wounldn't take his eyes off of her.

Brenda: i can teach you and luna so many things.

she told us while getting ready herself while looking in the mirror and still continues to talk. she starts to talk about chino and at the point i lose intest in the conversations. til i see brenda and teresa taking a sniff of coke. I didn't thou because i'm not really into that. Once we got out the restroom, brenda went to go look for chino while leaving us alone to look for guero. But before that happens a guy comes and takes tere to dance. I saw the dissppointment in her face becuase she wanted to dance with guero. But then he save her from the guy who toke her from me. i see how happy see is, i really want her to be happy. In her last relationship it was bad, her exboyfriend treated her like trash. but guero was different he wanted to protect her but the thing is he's a drug runner. so what who am I to jugde, if you came from were we came from you'd have done the same damn thing we did. i let her and guero be. so i start to dance with random guys.

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